Data Beyond IDEA: What Our Partners Know that You Should, Too!

Conference: IDIO 2024
Date: August 27, 2024
Presenters: Jennifer Tschantz, DaSy Howard Morrison, DaSy Sharon Walsh, DaSy Ginger Elliott-Teague, DaSy Deborah Ziegler, DaSy 

The early childhood system is broad and deep. Knowing more about where and how families and children are engaged—which programs and when—can support IDEA Part C and Part B programs’ efforts to improve access and inclusion along with child and family outcomes. Programs such as Head Start, child care, and EHDI have data that are useful to IDEA programs, yet gaining access to these data takes time that many state staff simply do not have. DaSy wants to help! This session provided a multitude of resources available, data sources to guide state-level decision-making, reports to inform current or future goals and outcomes, and organizations to support engagement in the broader ecosystem. The presenters displayed a typical data set and discuss how to access and use the data. They also shared a new resource for states that outlines what data and reports are publicly available and gather input into how it might become even more useful.

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Data Beyond IDEA: What Our Partners Know that You Should, Too!