Newly updated! The Part C Exiting Data Tool is designed to be used by states as they prepare their IDEA 618 exit data for submission via EDPass.
IDEA Part C Exiting Data Check Tool

Newly updated! The Part C Exiting Data Tool is designed to be used by states as they prepare their IDEA 618 exit data for submission via EDPass.
This presentation from the 2024 IDIO conference provides guidance on how Part C and Part B 619 programs can use data and engage key partners in examining how their child find systems are working.
In this session, presenters shared the value of an ECIDS (early childhood integrated data system) to IDEA programs, whether your state operates one, and when and how to become an active partner. Utah shared its approach and the process for including Part C data.
Session 3 is Feb 25! Don’t miss this chance to connect, learn from other states, network with peers, and hear the keynotes and some concurrent and DaSyTalk presentations from IDIO 2024…
December 11, 2024. Many states and local early childhood programs are interested in reducing exclusionary discipline of young children but lack valid and reliable data on the extent to which young children with or at risk for disabilities are being suspended and expelled.
NASDSE. December 2024. Using IDEA program data from a recent national survey, the presenters discussed the features and capabilities of state ECSE data systems, including typical child record content; access to standard workforce or financial data; associations with EI, Big B data, general ed/SLDS, health and foster care systems (ECIDS); and planned enhancements.
These resources help states prepare and submit the SPP/APR, including the SPP/APR Basics online training series, checklists and tips (updated October 2024), and new calculations guidance that specifies the data to include in the calculations for each SPP/APR indicator.
The ECTA and DaSy Centers worked together to provide technical assistance and highlight state practices. These state snapshots are organized by selected indicators from the SPP/APR to support OSEP’s APR Indicator Analysis.
This session provided a multitude of resources available, data sources to guide state-level decision-making, reports to inform current or future goals and outcomes, and organizations to support engagement in the broader ecosystem.
February 7, 2025. Do you want to connect with colleagues in other states and learn from their experiences procuring, implementing, or upgrading their IDEA Part C data system?