Part C Data Tips: State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR) Season

Graphic of people working together

This blog was originally published in October 2023 and then re-published on January 2024. Since then the SPP/APR Checklists have been updated for FFY 2022.

Authors: Lisa Backer, Margo Smith, and Terry Long
Contributors: DaSy’s Data Managers Learning Community and Robin Nelson

Part C Data Managers, Coordinators and staff are busy year-round. And State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR) season is the busiest – starting in the fall and ending with final submission in early February. Find SPP/APR instructions and measurement table on the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) website at,FFY20-25-SPP-APR-Package.

Here are the top Part C Data tasks to tackle this SPP/APR season.

Join DaSy’s Data Managers’ Office Hours on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month from 2:00 PM to 2:30 PM ET / 11:00 AM to 11:30 AM PT.
Please call your DaSy State Technical Assistance Liaison for the zoom link.

✅ SPP/APR Season

  • Breathe!
  • Gather and finalize data needed for each indicator.
  • Enter data analysis into a template in preparation for entering into EMAPS.
  • Review the template with the internal team.
  • Submit draft APR to DaSy for review (optional but wise).
  • Review and incorporate feedback from internal and external (DaSy?) reviewers.
  • Make final revisions.
  • Begin entering SPP/APR into EMAPS when the website is running.
  • Make notes now for what needs to change for next year.
  • Prepare for the clarification period in April.
  • Breathe!


Intended Audience

Primarily Part C Data Managers, Part C Coordinators, 619 Coordinators, their staffs/coworkers, and local program leaders and staff

About the Authors

Lisa Backer

Lisa Backer is a DaSy consultant. After a 20-year career with the Minnesota Department of Education, Lisa currently works for SpEd Forms, a special education software company serving districts in Minnesota and Wisconsin. She was an ECSE teacher and district administrator for 13 years before transitioning to state agency work. During her tenure with MDE, Lisa helped lead the development of the child outcomes measurement system and the early child real-time data warehouse. She actively oversaw the creation of the Centers of Excellence, the professional development initiative that works to support districts to effectively implement evidence-based practices, including the Pyramid Model.

Photo: Margo Smith

Margo Smith is a DaSy consultant providing communications and other support for DaSy TA products. She has a background in journalism, data visualization, and data use in early childhood care and education TA.


Re-published January 2024. Published October 2023.