![DaSy Framework: Self Assessment tile](/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/dasy-data-system-framework-self-assessment-tile.png)
The Self-Assessment for the DaSy Framework is an Excel-based tool that provides a structure for state Part C and Section 619/Preschool programs to record the current status of their state system and set priorities for improvement, and track progress over time. The tool generates a numerical and visual picture of the relative strengths and weaknesses of a state data system by providing ratings for the elements of quality in the Framework.
Be sure to download both the PDF Guidance document and the Excel tool (you’ll need to “enable macros” when using the tool).
Guidance for Using the Framework Self-Assessment
Self-Assessment Tool
We encourage states to use the self-assessment as part of an ongoing improvement planning process. State staff are encouraged to work with DaSy TA providers to complete the self-assessment and access resources for improvement planning.
Can I still use the original 2014 version of the Self-Assessment?
Yes, the 2014 DaSy Data System Framework and Self-Assessment are still available. If you have previously used some or all components of the 2014 version of the Framework and want to assess progress in making system improvements, we suggest using the same version of the Framework/Self-Assessment to compare those prior assessments of one or more subcomponents to new or current assessments of those same subcomponents. If your state is just getting started using the Framework or is not interested in comparing current status with a previous assessment, we suggest using the 2022 version and the corresponding version of the self-assessment.
Guidance for Using the Framework Self-Assessment (2014)
Self-Assessment Tool (2014)
If you’re using the original self-assessment for the second time, use the ECTA-DaSy Framework Self-Assessment Comparison Tool to track your progress!
Please contact the DaSy Center if you need additional accommodations to access this resource.
Published March 2022.