The DaSy work highlighted in this session by current State Part C Data Managers is relevant to providing and supporting a strong Part C Data Manager community, which is especially important given the high turnover rate.
Tag Archives: Data Management
IDEA Data Systems: What States Have and What They Need

The presenters highlighted 2023 State of the States Survey data and findings from more than 50 IDEA Part C and B 619 programs. Data systems and their links to other programs are complex; learn more about how early childhood IDEA programs manage their data, link to other programs, and plan for the future.
Data Governance Toolkit

This DaSy toolkit contains information, guidance, and templates to assist Part C and Part B 619 program staff with creating or enhancing their data governance policies and procedures. For each data governance topic, an overview, consideration questions, and a fillable Microsoft Word template is provided.
Part C Data Tips: Spring & Summer Resources

Part C Data Managers are shifting timelines and processes in response to new deadlines around modernization. Dates have been updated to reflect the most recent information (May 2024) from the EDFacts Partner Support Center.
Part C Data Tips: March Resources

Updated for 2024! We asked DaSy experts for tools that are helpful for this season and for ways to prepare for what’s ahead.
2021 State of the States Brief: The COVID-19 Pandemic as Captured by Part C and Part B 619 Data Systems

The COVID-19 pandemic presented unique challenges for states’ Part C and Part B 619 data collection and reporting. The spring 2021 State of the States survey provides a snapshot of the types of data states and territories were able to collect during the early stage of the pandemic (between late 2020 and early 2021) and how they collected the data. Lessons learned from the pandemic can help states improve data collection around telehealth services and prepare for future data disruptions, such as natural disasters.
Using Data Processes and Systems Thinking to Drive Impactful, Sustainable Systems Improvement Cohort
DaSy, ECTA, and the Waters Center For Systems Thinking are offering an opportunity for 3-5 states to participate in the Data and Systems Thinking cohort. Focusing on improving states’ ability to collect, report, analyze and use data to support state systems change efforts and will build on previous state systems change work (such as the State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP)).
Part C Data Tips: Spring 2023 Resources

Part C Data Managers are shifting timelines and processes in response to new deadlines around modernization. Top Part C Data tasks to tackle this quarter are focused around OSEP’s modernization of the data submission system.
Data System Disruptions Brief: Preparation and Response Considerations for Part C and Part B 619 Leaders

October 2022. This resource is intended to help Part C and Part B 619 leaders understand, prepare for, and respond to various types of data system disruptions. Part C and Part B 619 programs rely on their data systems to support everyday operations. Many states have experienced an event or circumstance that has limited or restricted their data system(s) from being accessed or used as planned. Disruptions to a state’s data system may jeopardize access to accurate information required to meet a wide range of data use needs.
Data Governance Webinar: How Prepared Are You?

October 3, 2022 Presenters: Bruce Bull & Nicholas Ortiz As state agencies increasingly use data for multiple purposes, data governance becomes essential to ensure that clear policies and procedures are […]