(Updated 2022)
DaSy Revised Data System Framework.

Download the
DaSy 2022 Framework (PDF)
The purpose of the DaSy Data System Framework (referred to as DaSy Framework) is to assist Part C and Part B 619 programs in developing and enhancing high-quality state data systems for the collection, analysis, reporting, and use of their IDEA data. The DaSy framework was originally developed in 2014 and updated in 2022.
The Framework contains an Introduction section and is organized around five interrelated subcomponents: Purpose and Vision, Data Governance and Management, System Design and Development, Data Analysis and Use, and Sustainability. Each subcomponent contains one or more quality indicators and multiple elements of quality.
To learn more about the framework and its subcomponents, select a section below.
What other resources are available to help me in data system work?
The Framework Self Assessment Tool is an Excel-based tool that provides a quantifiable method for state Part C and Section 619/Preschool programs to rate the elements of quality and quality indicators that are in the Framework. The tool allows state programs to record the current status of their state system, set priorities for improvement, and track progress over time.
The Resources section features resources used when developing and revising the DaSy Data System Framework as well as recommended resources related to each subcomponent.
The Data System Glossary is available to help you know exactly what we mean when we use a term in one of our resources and in the work we do with states. Glossary definitions are also linked throughout the DaSy Data System Framework pages.
The DaSy Center also has developed a resource with a set of critical questions that can be addressed with a high-quality data system.
Can I still use the original 2014 version of the Framework?
Yes, the 2014 DaSy Data System Framework and Self-Assessment (2014) are still available.
If you have previously used some or all components of the 2014 version of the Framework and want to assess progress in making system improvements, we suggest using the 2014 version of the Framework/Self-Assessment to compare those prior assessments of one or more subcomponents to new or current assessments of those same subcomponents. If your state is just getting started using the Framework or is not interested in comparing current status with a previous assessment, we suggest using the 2022 version and the corresponding version of the self-assessment.
Need help using the DaSy Framework?
States can contact the DaSy Center for technical assistance related to the DaSy framework.
We can, for example:
- help with finding resources and with improvement activities
- clarify the meaning of quality indicators and elements
- provide support in using the self-assessment, such as, for example, facilitating a stakeholder process to complete the self-assessment or a strategic planning process to make use of the results.
Published March 2022.