Presentations from our Improving Data, Improving Outcomes conference, which DaSy hosts in collaboration with our partner early childhood and data technical assistance centers.
IDIO 2024: Leading for Positive Impact
See the IDIO 2024 conference archive for the conference agenda and all presentations and videos.
IDIO 2020: Data Leadership in the Age of COVID-19 (Virtual Convening)
See the IDIO 2020 conference archive for the conference agenda and all presentations and videos.
IDIO 2018 Conference in Arlington, Virginia
Conference materials available below and on the IDIO 2018 conference website.
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What Might the Future IDEA Data Manager Job Look Like in 10 Years
BI tools, increased data linking, mobile solutions, more prominent data governance, ever changing security, smarter data systems, voice activated data visualization, automated data driven suggestions, faster data turnarounds, and ever ...Read moreIntegrating Results into Accountability Procedures and Activities
This presentation will increase understanding of critical aspects of systems change to begin using results data to determine local program accountability. One state presented on the changes they made to ...Read moreClosing Plenary: Early Childhood Governance and Data: Who’s Making Which Decisions, and How Are They Making Them?
This plenary session will explore key considerations in state governance structures and data system development, with a focus on how Part B and Part C leaders can (1) impact the ...Read moreSuspension and Expulsion in the Early Years: Using Data to Inform Continuous Improvement for Children with Disabilities
This presentation contains information on the importance of early childhood suspensions and expulsions as this issue relates to child and student outcomes, particularly for children with disabilities. Participants will learn ...Read moreUsing Data You Can Trust Improving Survey Response Rates
States employ survey methods to collect data about family outcomes and support their SSIP evaluations. Low response rates hinder states’ ability to analyze data. Furthermore, development of clear and concise ...Read moreLet’s Talk Data Making Data Conversations Engaging and Productive
Are you looking for ways to make your data conversations with colleagues and stakeholders more engaging and productive? This presentation will demonstrate IDC’s Data Meeting Protocol, as well as two ...Read moreBroadening Impact: Scaling Up and Sustaining SSIP Activities
In this presentation, three states that have begun the process of broadening the scale of their SSIP activities will discuss their progress. Questions to be addressed include how they knew ...Read moreWhat Does It Really Cost Real Results from a State Fiscal Analysis Including Cost and Time Studies?
Cost studies explore all cost aspects of a state administration and local service delivery system. The data from a study supports informed decision-making related to reimbursement rates, purchasing priorities and ...Read moreExamining Data to Identify Meaningful Difference
Data analysis is a key process for making data useful. Mistakes in analysis can cloud interpretation and distract from important results. In this session TA providers will discuss key considerations ...Read moreEvaluating Implementation of Evidence-Based Practices: Tips for Improving Quality and Feasibility
Need better data on the implementation of evidence-based practices? This presentation contains best practices for evaluating practice change and fidelity, including characteristics of a high-quality data collection tool. Published by: DaSy Evaluating ...Read moreData Culture: What does it look like in your program?
Now more than ever Part C and Part B 619 programs are recognizing the importance of creating a culture of data use and supporting data teams to effectively use data ...Read moreWhere to Start: Planning for a New Data System or System Enhancement
This presentation is intended to support decision-making for states that want to develop or enhance an IDEA Part C/Part B 619 data system. This presentation also includes key considerations for ...Read moreTelling Your Data Story with an Infographic
Infographics quickly tell a story using data to a wide variety of audiences. This presentation will share resources and best practices for creating effective infographics and provide guidance for how ...Read morePay For Success A discussion of possibilities and lessons learned from an exploration with states
Pay for Success (PFS) is an innovative contracting model that drives resources toward high performing programs. This presentation contains the possible applications of PFS that could serve young children with ...Read moreLessons Learned in Sharing EHDI and Part C Data Background, Current TA, and a State Story
Many states share data between EHDI and Part C. Recent CDC initiatives and increased data sharing among early childhood programs have emphasized the value of data partnerships. This session will ...Read moreBetter Together Linking Cross Program Agency Data to Improve Data and Outcomes
Data linking increases the capacity to answer important questions about early intervention and early childhood, creates administrative efficiencies and has the potential to improve program outcomes. This presentation includes linkages ...Read moreWhat Else Would You Like Your Data Systems To Do?
This presentation includes ideas and ways to improve data systems. This presentation is for Part B, Part C, lessons learned, experienced and those new to their positions. Published by: DaSy What Else ...Read moreSupporting Emerging Family Leaders
Family leaders can be crucial in developing and implementing policies, procedures, and practices that meet the needs of the children and families served by EI and ECSE programs. It is ...Read moreGuidance for Implementing Effective Training and TA on the Child Outcomes Summary (COS) Process
Presenters will provide an overview of the national resources that are available to support COS training and TA, and how they might be incorporated into ongoing professional development (PD). State ...Read moreEvaluating Infrastructure Tips for Laying a Solid Foundation for Systems Improvement
States should always evaluate their system improvement efforts when shoring up state infrastructure to support practices intended to improve results for children and families – for SSIP or other initiatives. ...Read moreCollecting, Analyzing, and Sharing Qualitative Data
Qualitative data can provide valuable information that complements quantitative findings in assessing progress, identifying successes and challenges, and making adjustments to improve services. This session will share best practices in ...Read moreUsing CEDS Connections and Critical Questions to Jumpstart Your Data Exploration Process
This presentation explores the Common Education Data Standards (CEDS), the CEDS Connect tool, and DaSy’s Critical Questions and Analysis Plans for early intervention and early childhood special education. Published by: DaSy/AEM Using ...Read moreIntroducing the OSEP Child Find Self-Assessment
The OSEP Child Find Self-Assessment is an exciting new resource intended to support states in improving the efficiency of their Child Find systems and ensuring that they are meeting federal ...Read moreBDI Users Group
This session will be an opportunity for members of the BDI users group to think about relevant issues and share products related to the collection and use of BDI data ...Read moreProtect Your Data: Reviewing and Developing Data Governance Policies
This presentation will review existing or develop new state data governance policies for Part C or Part B. This hands-on workshop is designed for state teams of program and data ...Read moreFiscal Data Visualization Workshop Using Local Data to Tell a Story
This presentation gives new ways to get local early intervention programs to look at their fiscal data to answer critical fiscal questions. This workshop will enable you to convert your ...Read moreGetting Connected Including Part C and Part B 619 Data into Early Childhood Integrated Data Systems (ECIDS)
Early Childhood Integrated Data Systems (ECIDS) can connect data from Part C and 619 with data from other EC programs to help states and local programs make data-informed decisions. This ...Read moreOpening Plenary
This presentation includes Johnny Collett’s, the Assistant Secretary of the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS), U.S. Department of Education vision: to improve early childhood, educational, and employment ...Read moreSSIP Evaluation Workshop 2.0 Taking the Online Series to the Next Level
The purpose of this workshop is to help state Part C and Part B 619 improve or refine their SSIP evaluation plans to ensure meaningful and feasible evaluation of infrastructure ...Read moreEngaged Families: Using Data to Make a Difference in Policy and Decision-Making
Family members can take an active role in understanding and using data from the family survey and child outcomes process to participate in program improvement activities. Family leadership can take ...Read more
IDIO 2016 Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana
Conference materials available below.
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Evaluating Implementation of Evidence-Based Practices (August 2016)
In this interactive session, participants will hear about and discuss feasible ways that states are planning to evaluate implementation of evidence-based practices. Presenters and state panelists will share concrete examples ...Read moreDeveloping Evaluation and Analysis Plans to Inform Data Collection Processes (August 2016)
This interactive session discusses methods for analyzing various types of performance measures and developing analysis plans to inform data collection processes and performance measures. Participants have opportunities to learn from ...Read moreState of the States: Progress in Part C and 619 State Data Systems from 2013 to 2015
Presenters: Laura Hudson (DaSy) & Donna Spiker (DaSy) This session looks at the “DaSy 10” – ten key indicators providing a snapshot of data system capabilities in Part C and ...Read moreUnderstanding what HIPAA Is and Is Not
Presenters: Baron Rodriguez (DaSy, EDTAP, PTAC), Ann Agnew (DaSy), & Ross Lemke (IDC) The session covers working knowledge on HIPAA regulations and requirements as well as ways HIPAA and FERPA ...Read moreUsing Formative Assessment to Evaluate Children’s Progress in Early Intervention and Early Childhood Special Education
Presenters: Virginia Buysse (American Institutes for Research), Alise Paillard (WestEd), & Taletha Derrington (DaSy, NCSI) This session explores the “what” and “how” of using formative assessment for evaluating children’s progress ...Read moreImproving Programs through Data-Driven Decisions: From Critical Questions to Data Reporting
Presenters: Presented by Missy Coffey Cochenour (CIID, DaSy, IDC) & Abby Schachner (DaSy, ECTA) This “hands-on” session provides states with a roadmap for identifying, organizing, and visually displaying the data ...Read moreMaking RDA a Reality in your Part C General Supervision System
Presenters: Grace Kelley (DaSy, ECTA, NCSI), Sharon Walsh (DaSy, ECTA), Sherry Franklin (DaSY, ECTA), & Anne Lucas (DaSy, ECTA) This session discusses incorporating these principles in your general supervision system, ...Read moreStart Using Process and Data Models
Presenters: Robin Nelson (DaSy) & Bruce Bull (DaSy, CIID, IDC) This session introduces process and data models, excellent tools for improving communication between program and technical staff during data system ...Read moreWishful Thinking or Developmental Science? Appropriate Measurement of Part C Infant/Toddler Social-Emotional Outcomes
Presenters: Taletha Derrington (DaSy, NCSI), Pam Thomas (MO Dept of Elementary and Secondary Education), Catherine Hoelscher (UT Dept of Health), & Karen Finello (NCSI) This panel discussion session is ...Read moreEvaluating Activities Intended to Improve the Quality of Child Outcomes Data
Presenters: Kathi Gillaspy (DaSy, ECTA), Ruth Chvojicek (WI Birth-Three Program), Kate Rogers (VT Early Childhood Special Education), Lauren Barton (DaSy, ECTA), Katrina Martin (DaSy, ECTA), & Kellen Reid (DaSy) This ...Read moreLinking Transition Notification Data from Part C to Part B: Designing and Implementing Effective Data System Processes
Presenters: Kathy Whaley (DaSy, ECTA), Barbara A. Dayal (KS State Dept of Education), Sarah Kate Johnson (WI Dept of Health Services), Bruce Bull (CIID, DaSy, IDC), Sarah Walters (IDC), ...Read morePerformance Based Contracting in Part C
Presenters: Maureen Greer (DaSy, ITCA), Danielle Howes (VT Child Development Division), Pam Thomas (MO Dept of Education), & Ann Freiburg (IL Dept of Human Services) This session discusses performance based contracting ...Read moreTaking your Evaluation Plan to the Next Level: Developing Evaluation Analysis Plans to Inform Data Collection Processes and Measurement
Presenters: Taletha Derrington (DaSy, NCSI), Debbie Cate (ECTA, IDC), & Tony Ruggiero (DaSy, IDC) This interactive session discusses methods for analyzing various types of performance measures and developing analysis plans ...Read moreCoaching System Change: What? Me!
Presenters: Grace Kelley (DaSy, ECTA, NCSI) & Kim Hartsell (DaSy) This session discusses what it takes to be a leader in coaching systemic change efforts. Leading systemic change requires systems ...Read moreStatus of Part B 619 State Data Systems: Findings from the DaSy Data System Survey
Presenters: Laura Hudson (DaSy), Kathy Hebbeler (DaSy), & Cristina Novoa (DaSy) This session provides a detailed look at the cross-state findings from DaSy’s 2015 survey of 619 state data systems ...Read moreSupporting Local Data Use for Program Improvement: Where are you now?
Presenters: Abby Schachner (DaSy, ECTA), Tony Ruggiero (DaSy, IDC), & Kerry Belodoff (DaSy) This session is geared toward states that participated in one of the Supporting Local Data Use for ...Read moreUse of Fiscal Data for Program Management
Presenters: Jamie Kilpatrick (DaSy), Catherine Hancock (VA Behavioral Health and Developmental Services), & Christy Scott (CDHS Office of Early Childhood) This session discusses the critical role of fiscal data and ...Read moreBuilding Quality Practices with the COS-Team Collaboration (COS-TC) Toolkit
Presenters: Lauren Barton (DaSy, ECTA), Naomi Younggren (Department of Defense Army, Educational and Developmental Intervention Program), Cathy Smyth (DaSy, ECTA), & Barbara Jackson (Munroe-Meyer Institute, University of Nebraska Medical ...Read moreWhat does it take to create a good RFP for a new data system?
Presenters: Bruce Bull (DaSy, CIID, IDC) & Jamie Kilpatrick (DaSy) This session was a support group for those who experience (or might in the future) RFP-itis. Is there a RFP ...Read moreTapping Into Data To Make A Difference
Presenters: Jackie Nunn (DaSy, CTE), Marcella Franczkowski (MD State Dept of Education), Cynthia Millikin (DaSy, CTE), & Pam Miller (MD State Dept of Education) This session demonstrates how to use ...Read moreSSIP Stakeholders: The Right People, The Right Purpose, The Right Plan
Presenters: Amy Nicholas (DaSy), Tracy Turner (AR Division of Devevelopmental Disabilities), Yvonne Greene (AR Dept of Education), Ravyn Hawkins (AR Division of Developmental Disabilities), Sharon DeRego (CA Department of ...Read moreSee what I mean? Creating engaging and effective data products, presentations, and reports
Presenters: Kerry Belodoff (DaSy), Kellen Reid (DaSy, ECTA ), Taletha Derrington (DaSy, NCSI ), & Alice Ridgway (CT Birth to Three System) This session unpacked the new DaSy-NCSI Data Visualization ...Read moreIs it Working? Evaluating Implementation of Evidence-Based Practices
Presenters: Abby Schachner (DaSy, ECTA), Megan Vinh (DaSy, ECTA), Maureen Casey (AZ Early Intervention Program), & Dana Romary (WI Birth to 3 Program) This session discusses feasible ways that ...Read moreHow to Successfully Integrate the Child Outcomes Summary (COS) Process into the IFSP Process as a SSIP Implementation Activity
Presenters: Ardith Ferguson (NCSI), Kathi Gillaspy (DaSy, ECTA), Beth Tolley (Infant and Toddler Connection of VA DBHDS), & Naomi Younggren (Department of Defense Army, Educational and Developmental Intervention Program) This ...Read moreData Breach Simulation
Presenters: Baron Rodriguez (DaSy, EDTAP, PTAC) & Ross Lemke (IDC) This interactive session walks teams through a data breach scenario ‘ripped from the headlines’!. The intended outcome is to ...Read moreUnpacking Inclusion: A System’s Framework Perspective
Presenters: Kathy Whaley (DaSy, ECTA), Kristina Doan (IL State Board of Education), & Ann Kremer (Early CHOICES) This session discusses the complex process of increasing high quality early childhood inclusive ...Read moreChild Outcomes Summary (COS) Process Professional Development Tools
Presenters: Presented by Amy Nicholas (DaSy), Kellen Reid (DaSy, ECTA), Maureen Casey (AZ Early Intervention Program), Chelsea Guillen (IL EI Ombudsman/EI Training Program), Kathi Gillaspy (DaSy, ECTA), & Cathy ...Read moreChild Outcomes Data Collection: Results of the ITCA National Survey and Discussion of Policies and Considerations
Presenters: Christina Kasprzak (DaSy, ECTA), Cornelia Taylor (DaSy, ECTA), Maureen Greer (DaSy, ITCA), & Robin Nelson (DaSy) This session is a facilitated discussion on policies and procedures related to child ...Read moreClosing Plenary: Let’s Make Data Part of Everyone’s Toolkit!
Presenters: Kathleen Hebbeler (DaSy), Donna Spiker (DaSy), Lisa Backer (MN Dept of Education), Tony Chambers, Ann Freiburg (IL Dept of Human Services), Chelsea Guillen (EITP at University of Illinois), ...Read more
IDIO 2014 Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana
Conference materials available below.
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Questions, Data, and Reports: Connecting the Data Dots Using the DaSy Framework System Design and Development Component
Presenters: Taletha Derrrington & Kathleen Hebbeler This 2014 workshop presentation explores connecting key policy questions with the data elements and reports needed to answer them using the DaSy framework. Interact ...Read moreBuilding Financial Systems Around Data: When and How to Use Fiscal Data Elements
Presenters: Maureen Greer, Jamie Kilpatrick, & Robin Nelson This 2014 presentation provides an overview of the role of finance data in Part C programs and is intended to help Part ...Read moreDeveloping or Enhancing Business Requirements to Improve Data Quality: Spend Time Now or Pay ($$) Later
Presenters: Jeff Sellers & Mike Hinricher This 2014 session provides an overview of the approach to properly gathering and developing business requirements for data systems. It is designed to educate ...Read moreReady for Phase II? Effective Strategic Planning
Presenters: Grace Kelley, Taletha Derrington, Christina Kasprzak & Anne Lucas This 2014 session highlights the criteria of a high quality systemic improvement plan to be developed in Phase II of ...Read morePreventing Data Analysis Paralysis: Strategic Data Analysis Using Data Analysis Plans
Presenters: Jean Shimer, Patti Fougere, Karen Walker, Karie Taylor, Abby Winer, & Tony Ruggiero This 2014 presentation shares state approaches to data analysis in Phase I of the SSIP. Through ...Read moreDigging into “Data Use” Using the DaSy Framework Component
Presenters: Jim Coyle, Jan Stevenson, Denise Mauzy, & Donna Spiker This 2014 presentation explores the Data Use component of the DaSy Framework and includes in-depth discussions and hands on ...Read moreAre you Ready? Preparing Part C and 619 as a Stakeholder in an ECIDS
Presenters: Sarah Walters, Colleen Murphy, Kathi Gillaspy, Elliot Regenstein, & Missy Cochenour This 2014 presentation discusses the key principles and skills needed for Part C and 619 staff to be ...Read moreWFSSVPDFIRPGO: Are We There Yet?
Presenter: Kathleen Hebbeler This 2014 presentation was presented at the opening plenary of Improving Data, Improving Outcomes 2014. The presentation focuses on achieving good outcomes in early childhood through faithfully ...Read moreUnder the Hood with the DaSy System Design and Development Framework: The Mechanics of a High Performance Data System
Presenters: Taletha Derrington, David Mills, Catherine Hancock, Kyla Patterson, Christy Cronheim, Rick Harris, & Emily Hackleman This 2014 presentation explores the DaSy System Design and Development Framework component, a tool ...Read morePrivacy Collaboration! The Latest Resources from DaSy, PTAC, and IDC
Presenters: Baron Rodriguez, Jeff Sellers, & Jennifer Tschantz This 2014 presentation shares how DaSy, IDC, and PTAC are collaborating to address state questions around data sharing, privacy, and security ...Read moreEngaging Families with Data: Helping Families Participate in Conversations about Data at Various Levels within the System
Presenters: Siobhan Colgan, Darla Gundler, Judy Swett, Lissette Saavedra, & Melissa Raspa This 2014 session highlights the importance of family involvement in data discussions at all levels within the system. ...Read moreData Governance Demystified: Concepts to Reality
Presenters: Bruce Bull, Sharon Walsh, Denise Mauzy, Christy Cronheim, Rick Harris, & Maria Synodi This 2014 presentation focuses on the role of Data Governance in protecting data and facilitating improved ...Read moreConquering the Trials and Tribulations of Data Sharing and Linking
Presenters: Robin Nelson, Baron Rodriguez, Linda Goodman, & Sherry Franklin This 2014 presentation provides information on requirements and best practices for data sharing agreements. Panelists from two states discuss key ...Read moreAnswering Critical Questions Using Data: Tools to Support Development and Data Element Identification
Presenters: Tony Ruggiero, Haidee Berstein, Missy Cochenour, Abby Winer, & Bill Huennekens This 2014 workshop presentation combines informative and hands-on approaches to bridge the gap between data (within and across ...Read moreWho Are You Going to Call?
This 2014 flyer clarifies the roles of four OSEP Technical Assistance Centers (DaSy, ECTA, IDC, & ECPC) that respond to early childhood state requests and provides examples of who to ...Read moreDaSy: The Center for IDEA Early Childhood Data Systems
This 2014 poster was displayed at the Improving Outcomes, Improving Data Conference in New Orleans, Lousiana. The poster shares DaSy’s mission, recent accomplishments, and ongoing collaboration. DaSy Poster (PDF) DaSy Poster (Text ...Read more- 2013 State of the States’ Early Childhood Data Systems WebinarThis 2014 webinar discusses the findings of a 2013 survey of the 50 states and DC to assess the state of early childhood data systems. Published by: Early Childhood Data Collaborative ...Read more
Moving Beyond Basic Counts to Meaningful Data: A Focus on Data Use
This 2014 session focuses on supporting registry staff to move beyond reporting basic counts and think about key next steps to increase registry data use. Presented at the 2014 National Registry ...Read more
IDIO 2013 Conference in Washington, DC
Conference materials available below.
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More than Referral: Linkages between Early Intervention and Child Welfare Data and Improved Child Outcomes
Presenters: Taletha Derrington, Bruce Sheppard, Ardith Ferguson, Christy Scott, & Kenneth Smith This 2013 collection of presentations discuss implementation issues and their implications for state IDEA data systems. Panelists from ...Read moreUse of Data for Monitoring Part C and B 619
Presenters: Krista Scott, Bruce Bull, & Debbie Cate This 2013 presentation discusses updating and aligning monitoring processes to be data-driven, maintaining general supervision responsibilities, monitoring for compliance AND results, supporting ...Read moreThe State of State Part C and 619 Data Systems: Current Status, Future Directions
Presenters: Pam Roush, Carlise King, Lisa Balivet, & Donna Spiker This 2013 presentation provides an overview of where states are in the development of Part C and Part B 619 ...Read moreThe Early Childhood Workforce Data Landscape
Presenters: Mary Beth Bruder, Denise Mauzy, & Carlise King This 2013 presentation provides information about the importance of comprehensive workforce data collection and an overview of the primary sources of ...Read moreWhy CEDS for Part C and 619: The Benefits of Using Common Education Data Standards
Presenters: Meredith Miceli, Lisa Backer, & Suzanne Raber This 2013 presentation helps participants understand the benefits of using common data elements and definitions in their early childhood data systems. Tools ...Read moreIn Search of the Perfect Data System
Presenters: Christy Scott, Mike Hinricher, & Bruce Bull This 2013 presentation probes, articulates, discusses and seeks cross state audience solutions to data system challenges. In Search of the Perfect Data ...Read moreIDEA Part C and Part B 619 Data Systems: Current Status and Future Priorities
Presenters: Ruth Ryder, Meredith Miceli, Lynne Kahn, Kathy Hebbeler, & Donna Spiker These 2013 presentations were presented during the opening plenary of the Improving Data, Improving Outcomes conference. The first ...Read moreEssentials of Data Operations: Getting Data into Your Data System (so you can use it)
Presenters: Jim Campbell, Missy Cochenour, & Baron Rodriguez This 2013 presentation is primarily about the operations of a data system, including defining data elements, data collection, linkages, and analysis. In ...Read moreData Analysis to Guide Improvement of Child Outcomes
Presenters: Cornelia Taylor, Lynne Kahn, & Taletha Derrington This 2013 presentation provides hypothetical data for participants to review and discuss. The data exercise includes examples of analyses that lead to ...Read moreCommon Data Elements and Definitions for Part C and 619 Programs
Presenters: Missy Cochenour, Haidee Bernstein, & Denise Mauzy This 2013 presentation combines general CEDS information with opportunities for hands-on learning. It starts with an overview that will ensure that participants ...Read moreData Sharing: Federal TA Efforts, What We Know & What We Need to Know
Presenters: Jennifer Tschantz & Baron Rodriguez This 2013 presentation provides an overview of relevant resources for Privacy and Confidentiality for Part C and 619 programs as they integrate data ...Read moreFollow the Yellow Brick Road from Part C to Part B 619: Road Blocks and Remedies for Linking and Using Data
Presenters: Mary Peters & Debbie Cate This 2013 presentation provides an update of states’ Indicator C8 and B12 transition data for Part C and Part B619, including data collection methods, ...Read moreData Visualization: A Picture’s Worth a Thousand Numbers
This 2013 session handout provides examples of different approaches that some states have used to display data in innovative and visually interesting ways as a means to better understand and ...Read moreIncorporating EC Data into Your Longitudinal Data System: Why Does It Matter to Part C and 619?
Presenters: Tiffany Smith, Lori McReynolds, Brian Morrison, Phil Koshkin, Missy Cochenour, & Amy Nicholas This 2013 presentation provides basic information about the differences between the ECIDS and the SLDS. How ...Read more
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