States are required to report on the correction of findings of noncompliance in the new SPP/APR Indicator C12 beginning with the FFY 2023 SPP/APR. Guidance has been developed to support states in tracking and reporting this data.
IDEA Part C Indicator 12 Data Tracking Tool
The IDEA Part C Indicator 12 Data Tracking Tool is designed for states to use as they prepare to report their Indicator C12 data in their State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR). This tool provides a structured Excel spreadsheet format in which states can summarize the number of noncompliance findings and corrections across their SPP/APR indicators.
IDEA Part C Indicator 12 Data Tracking Tool
SPP/APR Indicator C12 Reporting Guidance
The SPP/APR Indicator C12 Reporting Guidance provides information on reporting requirements for this indicator and uses two scenarios to reflect how a state might report the data and describe how they verified correction of findings of noncompliance issued to EIS programs in C12. One scenario focuses on a state that issues findings by program and the other focuses on a state that issues findings by child. Several additional resources are identified that can support states in collecting and reporting C12 data.
SPP/APR Indicator C12 Reporting Guidance
Scenario 1: C1 Timely Services and Other IDEA Requirements – Findings Issued by Program
Scenario 2: C1 Timely Services and Other IDEA Requirements – Findings Issued by Child
Intended audience: Part C Data Managers and Part C Data Coordinators.