Category Archives: Tool

IDEA Part C EMAPS Child Count and Settings Data Tool

Designed to provide assistance to IDEA Part C Data Managers and other users of the EDFacts Metadata and Process System (EMAPS). This tool offers a way to ensure accuracy of IDEA Part C Child Count and Settings data prior to official submission. The Part C Child Count and Setting Data Tool allows the state to enter their data and have any errors flagged. Corrections can then be made prior to data entry and submission in EMAPS.

U.S. Department of Education Shares IDEA Data Sharing MOU Template

This document provides an example memorandum of understanding (MOU) that can used between the State Agency under the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA Part B,619 and Part C) and the State Autism Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Program (State ADDM) funded by the Center for Disease Control. The purpose of the MOU is to share key data about the characteristics of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other disabilities in communities.

Data Inquiry Cycle

Data Inquiry Cycle graphic shows an iterative sequence of six stages: planning and design for data collection, data collection, data analysis and interpretation, reporting, dissemination, and taking action

This guide supports Part C and Part B 619 program staff in addressing equity considerations at each stage of the data inquiry cycle. The guide incorporates key components of the DaSy Data Systems Framework and the DaSy Racial Equity Statement that can help states, territories, and tribal governments move toward more equitable practices related to program access, supports and services, and outcomes.

Data Processes Toolkit and Data DMS Protocol Crosswalk

Do you need help identifying possible gaps in documentation required for OSEP’s differentiated monitoring and support process? This crosswalk is designed to provide an overview of the major themes covered in the Differentiated Monitoring and Support (DMS) Part B/C Data Protocol and where those themes could be addressed when a state chooses to use the DaSy Part C Data Processes Toolkit.