News Archive

The Latest from DaSy

Preventing Suspensions and Expulsions in Early Childhood Settings

Suspensions and expulsions of young children are not developmentally appropriate practices. Yet, recent data indicate that suspension and expulsion occur regularly in early childhood settings. These exclusionary practices, which disproportionately impact children of color, deprive children of valuable learning experiences ...
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Data System Disruptions Brief: Preparation and Response Considerations for Part C and Part B 619 Leaders

This resource is intended to help Part C and Part B 619 leaders understand, prepare for, and respond to various types of data system disruptions. Part C and Part B 619 programs rely on their data systems to support everyday ...
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Early Hearing Detection, and Intervention Program (EHDI) and Early Intervention

Partnerships between the Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) program and Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) program can support and improve outcomes for children who are deaf or hard of hearing (DHH) and their families. ...
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Part C Indicator 4: Family Outcomes Data FFY 2020

DaSy and ECTA staff discuss FFY 2020 results from the Indicator C4 Family Outcomes data, including state approaches to surveys, data quality, performance trends, and resources.
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Join Heather Krause for Data Equity: How to Align Your Data with Your Mission on March 17th

Session 4 of the IDIO Encore Virtual Series, will repeat the recording of We All Count’s Heather Krause’s Opening Plenary Data Equity: How to Align Your Data with Your Mission. This recording from the IDIO in-person Conference in August 2022, ...
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Fiscal Data Trend Profile Template (2023)

For a Part C system, the fiscal data profile depicts demographic, service delivery, infrastructure, and administrative data in a variety of ways to make the fiscal data more comprehensible to users.
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Streamline Steps: Using DaSy’s Data Linking Toolkit with Common Education Data Standards (CEDS) Tools

Data linking is often necessary to address critical questions about program quality and to improve results for young children with disabilities and their families. Yet data linking can be challenging. Learn about ways to streamline this process.
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Remembering Judy Heumann

A tireless activist and advocate, Judy helped develop legislation that would become the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and she was a key figure in other federal legislation to increase access and inclusion for people with disabilities.
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Family Outcomes Response Rate and Representativeness Calculator

Compute response rates for your state’s family survey data and determine if the surveys you received are representative of the target population.
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A Data Linking Success Story in North Carolina

DaSy’s State of the States report shows that many early intervention (Part C) and early childhood special education (Part B, 619) state coordinators and data managers are interested in increasing data linking between IDEA programs. We share the story of ...
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DaSy Dynamic Impact

Improving programs and changing systems can be hard, DaSy Dynamic Impact is an easy-to-use approach that provides a consistent, successful, and sustainable process to support your team.
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National-State Family Data State Approaches Graph Creator 2020-21 (FFY 2020) (2023)

Compare your state’s C4 family outcomes data to the national data in the three sub-indicator areas. Make comparisons to subgroups of states that use the same survey and scoring approach
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Map of Approaches to Family Outcomes Measurement: Part C APR Indicator 4 FFY 2020 (2020–2021)

Some states used additional tools/approaches to measure other family variables. States use survey methods to collect family outcomes data, but the questions and processes vary.
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FFY 2020 Child Outcomes Data Highlights

ECTA and DaSy Center staff discuss the national performance data for indicators C3 and B7, including national data, state variations in performance, and TA resources
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We renovated! Check Out DaSy’s Updated and Easier-to-use Data Visualization Toolkit

Learn about the refresh of our ever-popular Data Vis Toolkit. Now with guidance on how to consider equity and inclusion when creating data visualizations and new resources and tools!
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Improving Data, Improving Outcomes (IDIO) 2022 Encore

Join DaSy for the IDIO Encore, a virtual event to connect, learn from other states, network with peers, and hear the latest early childhood updates from the federal partners.
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CEDS Master Class Series

Join the Common Education Data Standards (CEDS) Master Class Series, beginning November 17, to learn how to get involved with CEDS, which CEDS tools are right for you, and to learn from your peers.
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Data Leadership Competencies for Part C and Part B 619

Data can help Part C and Part B 619 program coordinators, data managers and staff improve outcomes for children and families by strengthening their understanding of the needs of the children and families served and by operating the program more ...
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Look! Think! Act! Using Data for Program Improvement

A simple process for state and local program leaders to use data to make organizational and program decisions.
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IDEA Child Outcomes Highlights for FFY 2020

For Part C Early Intervention, a comparison of national averages from FFY 2019 to FFY 2020 showed increases in some outcomes and decreases in others. There was an increase in the percent of children making greater than expected progress in ...
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Analysis Steps Used to Generate National Estimates for Progress Categories, Summary Statements, and Results FFY 2020

National estimates were computed using three methods: (1) Computing weighted national estimates for all states, (2) Computing the unweighted national estimates for all states, and (3) Computing the weighted national estimates for the reduced set of states with high-quality data Analysis ...
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State Approaches to Child Outcomes Measurement: Part C APR Indicator 3 FFY 2020 (2020–2021)

States use several different approaches to measure child outcomes, as illustrated in these maps compiled by DaSy & ECTA. Most states use the Child Outcomes Summary Process, a team process for summarizing information about a child’s functioning across multiples sources. State ...
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State Approaches to Child Outcomes Measurement: Part B APR Indicator 7 (Section 619/Preschool) FFY 2020 (2020–2021)

States use several different approaches to measure child outcomes, as illustrated in these maps compiled by DaSy & ECTA. Most states use the Child Outcomes Summary Process, a team process for summarizing information about a child’s functioning across multiples sources. State ...
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Finding a Way Forward: How to Create a Strong Legal Framework for Data Integration

Created by Actionable Intelligence for Social Policy (AISP) to support the essential and challenging work of exchanging, linking, and using data across government agencies. Cross-sector data sharing and integration has become more routine and commonplace, and for good reason.
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Using Data to Advance Racial Equity – Special Collection

As part of DaSy’s commitment to advancing racial equity, we have assembled this special collection that encompasses a variety of data-related topics that intersect with equity, such as data collection, analysis, and reporting. These resources are designed for helping state ...
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Introduction to DaSy’s Data Linking Toolkit

The toolkit comprises multiple sections that include downloadable tools to support Part C and Part B 619 program staff as they consider, prepare, and successfully link their data.
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Part C General Supervision Monitoring Procedures Checklist

A lead agency’s general supervision system is the mechanism for enforcing federal requirements and for ensuring continuous improvement. This information might be described in one or more state manuals, documents or tools.
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Part C Fiscal Monitoring Indicators for State Lead Agencies

Each Part C Lead Agency is responsible for the general administration and supervision of its early intervention system.
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Getting Started: Where Does Your Agency’s Existing Data Governance Live?

You can’t have data quality without data governance. And data governance is complex and complicated—but it doesn’t have to be this way.
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Tools for Improving Child Find

Tools designed by DaSy and ECTA to support the collection, review, and improvement of child find systems including 618 data, including the OSEP Part B 619 Child Find Self-Assessment (CFSA), OSEP Part C Child Find Self-Assessment (CFSA), Part C ...
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The Revised DaSy Data System Framework is Now Available

This updated Framework assists Part C and Part B 619 programs in developing and enhancing high-quality state data systems. Originally developed in 2014, the Framework has been revised to make it easier for states to use.
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Data Sharing Partnerships Improve Systems

Partnerships between the Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) program and Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) program can support and improve outcomes for children who are deaf or hard of hearing (DHH) and their families. Data ...
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Save the Dates for IDIO: Aug 21-26, 2022, Improving Data, Improving Outcomes Conference

Don’t miss DaSy’s IDIO 2022 national conference in Washington DC: Leadership, Equity, Impact. Registration opening soon!
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I wish I had known… Tips from former Part C and Part B/619 Coordinators and Data Managers

We talked with a few of our DaSy TA experts and found out what they wished they had known when they were starting out as Part C/619 Coordinators and Data Managers. These DaSy technical assistance providers are here to help ...
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SPDG Notice of Proposed Priority

The Department of Education published a Notice of Proposed Priority (NPP) for the State Personnel Development Grants (SPDG; 84.323) in the Federal Register on February 1st, 2022. The Department is taking this action to focus attention on the need to ...
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618 Data Product Migration to Open Data Platform

OSEP is happy to announce that the IDEA 618 data products will have a new home on ED’s Open Data Platform starting February 15, 2022. The older data files, static tables, and collection documentation have been migrated and are ...
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2022 State Learning Opportunities

The OSEP-funded Early Childhood Technical Assistance (TA) Centers are pleased to announce a variety of new and ongoing opportunities to build individual and state capacity around implementation of IDEA 0-5. We hope this information will assist you as you consider ...
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SPP/APR Basics, What You Need to Know

The “SPP/APR Basics, What You Need to Know” training series is a collection of self-directed modules that provide a basic understanding of the IDEA Part C and Part B 619 State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR) indicators and their requirements.
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Quick Reference Guide on Restricted Indirect Costs and Cost Allocation Plans for IDEA Part C Grants

This CIFR-developed reference guide provides an overview of the IDEA requirements regarding restricted indirect costs that a state may wish to charge to their Part C grant. This guide provides information on key terminology and concepts needed to understand ...
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Data Walks: An Innovative Way to Share Data with Communities

This tool from the Urban Institute offers an interesting technique for helping stakeholders engage with data. A Data Walk focuses on data sharing as the platform for collaboration and can be used whether or not the community has been engaged ...
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Archived News (2019 and earlier)

View archived news posted under the first DaSy grant (2013-2019).