News Archive

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Part C Indicator 4: Family Outcomes Data FFY 2019

DaSy and ECTA staff discuss FFY 2019 results from the Indicator C4 Family Outcomes data, including state approaches to surveys, data quality, performance trends, and resources.
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FFY 2019 National Child Outcomes Data Analysis

The ECTA and DaSy Center staff completed their national child outcomes data analysis. Watch this webinar recording to learn more about national performance data for indicators C3 and B7, including national data, state variations in performance, and TA resources.
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Telepractice for Part C Early Intervention Services: Considerations for Effective Implementation and Medicaid Reimbursement

Support states in securing Medicaid coverage for telepractice as a method of service delivery beyond the public health emergency of the COVID-19 pandemic…
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Tip Sheet Series: Evaluating the Implementation of Evidence-based Practices

This DaSy tip sheet series provides concise guidance for collecting and analyzing high-quality data on the implementation of evidence-based practices.
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Racial Equity Statement

DaSy is committed to advancing racial equity. We understand that, for this work to be effective, we must be intentional in our efforts to interrupt and dismantle inequitable practices and policies at the systems level
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Considerations of the Impact of COVID-19 on APR Indicator Data

The COVID-19 pandemic caused unintended changes to state Part C program policies, procedures, and practices that may have impacted program performance. State data collection and reporting activities were also disrupted, presenting challenges to data completeness and other aspects of data ...
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Analysis Steps Used to Generate National Estimates for Progress Categories, Summary Statements, and Results FFY2019

Learn about the three methods used to compute national estimates for progress categories, summary statements, and results FFY2019.
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Supporting Child and Student Social, Emotional, Behavioral and Mental Health

The U.S. Department of Education has released a new resource, Supporting Child and Student Social, Emotional, Behavioral and Mental Health to provide information and resources to enhance the promotion of mental health and the social and emotional well-being among children ...
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Preparing for Target Setting with Stakeholders

If you work in Part C and 619 you know that, this year, every state must set targets for Part C and 619 performance through 2025. These targets must be submitted in the FFY 2020 SPP/APR due February 1, 2022. ...
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Finance Glossary

This glossary contains terms relevant to finance for IDEA Part C and Part B, Section 619 programs. The terms include reference to IDEA and other related federal fiscal requirements as well as those specific to billing public and private insurance ...
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Part C Data System Functions

This DaSy Part C Data System Functions resource contains a list of Part C data system functions designed to assist in developing and enhancing high-quality state data systems. The primary audiences for this document are Part C coordinators and ...
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IDEA Child Outcomes Highlights for FFY2019

Between FFY2018 and 2019 there were declines in the percentage of children making gains (Summary Statement 1) and those reaching age expectations (Summary statement 2) in Part C and the percentage of children reaching age expectations (Summary statement 2) in ...
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Summary of State and Jurisdictional Eligibility Definitions for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities Under IDEA Part C

This infographic summarizes national variations in eligibility policies for infants and toddlers from birth to age 3 enrolling in early intervention programs under Part C of IDEA.
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Authentic Stakeholder Engagement: Why, How and What (Purpose, Process and Results)

Our early childhood community, including state and local personnel, families, and the larger community, has an interest in supporting our young children with disabilities.
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Improving Part C Results and Compliance: A Six-Step Inquiry Cycle

This six-step inquiry process helps states improve educational results and functional outcomes for children with disabilities while ensuring compliance with Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) through state monitoring activities.
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Breadth of the Three Child Outcomes

The three child outcomes, measured by early intervention and early childhood special education systems, encompass functional skills and behaviors that are meaningful for a child’s participation in everyday routines. They cut across developmental domains to represent the integrated nature of ...
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Using Data to Lead for Equity in Early Childhood

This presentation provides Part C and Part B 619 staff with an introduction to the importance of data leadership in promoting equity.
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COVID-19 Guidance for IDEA Programs: Policy and TA Checklist for Part C Leaders

This DaSy and ECTA checklist provides guidance to Part C leaders to use during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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A State Guide on Identifying, Correcting, and Reporting Noncompliance with IDEA Requirements

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires states to monitor and enforce IDEA Part C and Part B requirements, with a primary focus on those requirements that are most closely related to improving results and functional outcomes for infants, ...
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2021 State Learning Opportunities

The OSEP-funded Early Childhood Technical Assistance (TA) Centers are pleased to announce a variety of new and ongoing opportunities to build individual and state capacity around implementation of IDEA 0-5. We hope this information will assist you as you consider ...
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OSEP Early Childhood TA Centers Flyer

The OSEP Early Childhood TA Centers flyer is designed to help states better understand the content focus of the OSEP TA centers and the network of parent centers that respond to requests for technical assistance from state Part C & ...
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Building the Case to Expand Medicaid and Private Insurance for Early Intervention

These video interviews recounting state stories, a planning tool, and related presentations are integrated components to maximize your learning and provide the information you need to be successful expanding coverage for Early Intervention.
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Part C Child Find Self-Assessment: Quick Start Guide

The Part C Child Find Self-Assessment: Quick Start Guide, developed by DaSy and ECTA,  is designed to help state leaders consider common areas of need and challenges related to Child Find and determine which best practices in Section II of ...
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Remote Screening, Evaluation, and Assessment Resources

Many assessment practices can be successfully implemented even when the practitioner cannot be in the same room with the child and family such as during the COVID-19 pandemic. The resources included here are designed to help states, programs, and local ...
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Early Childhood Data Use Assessment Tool

The Early Childhood Data Use Assessment Tool is designed to identify and improve data use skills among early childhood education (ECE) program staff so they can better use data to inform, plan, monitor, and make decisions for instruction and program ...
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ECDataWorks Virtual Conference Feb 22-26, 2021

ECDataWorks (ECDW) supports state early care and education systems to advance policy and programs through the strategic use of integrated data. To continue to support state teams, ECDW is hosting a national meeting, Building Resilient Data Analytics Virtual Convening, on ...
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IDEA Part C Data Notes

The IDEA Part C Data Notes brief describes the purpose of data notes for Part C 618 data collections and how they are used in OSEP’s data quality review process. This resource also provides tips and best practices for writing ...
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FFY 2018 Child and Family Outcomes Data Highlights

December 2020 The ECTA and DaSy Center staff completed their national child outcomes data analysis. Watch this webinar recording to learn more about national performance data for indicators C3 and B7, including national data, state variations in performance, and TA resources. Webinar ...
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2018 SPP/APR Indicator Analyses for Part B and Part C

On November 23, 2020, The U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) released its annual report on implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Please share widely as states are beginning their new SPP/APR submissions. ...
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National Center on Deaf Blindness (NCDB) Website

The National Center on Deaf-Blindness (NCDB) has launched a new website. It contains extensive information about deaf-blindness and educational practices for children and youth who are deaf-blind, information about and for state deaf-blind projects, and resources for families. Please visit ...
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Determining A Child’s Eligibility for Early Intervention Services Remotely

Included here are guidance, considerations, and resources for state staff and local practitioners who are determining Part C eligibility remotely. As a result of COVID-19, many states are having to determine a child’s eligibility for Part C services remotely using ...
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OSEP Fast Facts: Children 3 through 5 Served under Part B, Section 619 of the IDEA

OSEP is pleased to introduce our newly released Fast Fact focusing on children with disabilities ages 3 through 5 served under Part B, section 619 of the IDEA. For the OSEP Fast Facts: Children 3 through 5 Served Under ...
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Webinar – Creating Effective Partnerships to Improve Early Identification

On November 17, ECTA and DaSy will provide an overview of the purposes of Part C early intervention services for infants and toddlers and their families and Part B, 619 services for preschool special education. Identifying young children as early ...
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COS Completion When Teams Can’t Meet In Person

This document is intended to assist teams conducting COS rating determination meetings using telecommunication devices such as phones and/or computers with or without video to have discussions with team members in different locations through teleconferencing. Although there are many advantages ...
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IDEA Child Outcomes Highlights for FFY2018

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) funds programs providing services designed to assist children with a range of delays and disabilities in achieving individualized developmental and functional goals. The data show that large percentages of children continue to show ...
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DaSy Statement on the 30th Anniversary of the ADA

On the 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, DaSy continues the important work of ensuring equitable, inclusive educational opportunities for children with disabilities …
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Information & Resources about COVID-19

In these unprecedented times, the DaSy team is here to support you. DaSy is working to provide technical assistance (TA) and resources to state agencies as you address the impact of COVID-19 on Part C early intervention and Part B ...
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OSEP’s Fast Facts: Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities

In 2018-2019, 409,315 infants and toddlers, birth through age 2, with disabilities and their families received early intervention services under IDEA Part C.  OSEP’s newest Fast Facts: Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities takes a closer look at what their data ...
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Early Childhood Data: Responding to COVID-19 and Building for the Future

A new report, Early Childhood Data: Responding to COVID-19 and Building for the Future, was released today by the Data Quality Campaign and Foresight Law + Policy.
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Supporting Part B619 State and Local Child Outcomes Data Use Cohort

The ECTA and DaSy technical assistance (TA) centers are now recruiting for a technical assistance opportunity focused on improving the capacity of Part B/619 programs to improve their Local Education Agencies (LEAs) ability to collect, report, and use high quality ...
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Archived News (2019 and earlier)

View archived news posted under the first DaSy grant (2013-2019).