Tag Archives: Data Use

Using Data to Advance Racial Equity – Special Collection

As part of DaSy’s commitment to advancing racial equity, we have assembled this special collection that encompasses a variety of data-related topics that intersect with equity, such as data collection, analysis, and reporting. These resources are designed for helping state Part C and Part B 619 staff in using data to identify and address racial disparities.

The Consumer’s Guide to Data

Part C and Part B 619 staff can use these tips to increase trust and clarity in publicly reported data and encourage appropriate use of data, particularly when data about historically underserved groups are presented.

DaSy Framework: Self-Assessment Tool

Self Assessment Tile

The Self-Assessment for the DaSy Framework is an Excel-based tool that provides a structure for state Part C and Section 619/Preschool programs to record the current status of their state system and set priorities for improvement, and track progress over time.