The Preschool Development Grants (PDG) present an opportunity for states to build more coordinated, inclusive state systems to better address the needs of all young children and their families including those with disabilities. Come learn about how Part C and Part B 619 state agencies are contributing to the PDG efforts in their states. This session also will provide opportunities to share and hear state plans, accomplishments, and challenges in using PDG to support improved services and outcomes for children with disabilities.
Tag Archives: Data Leadership
Essential Participation of Family Leaders and Shared Leadership in Part C and 619 Programs
Calling all Part C and 619 Family Leaders! It takes teamwork to build effective state and local systems for young children with disabilities. You are an essential member of those teams, working in partnership with the other players.
Keynote: Information and Inquiry in Leadership
This presentation focuses on the role of data systems that align states, districts, and principal preparation programs in supporting school leaders who use information effectively for informed, collaborative decision-making in leadership practice.
The Power of Data Linking: Increasing Your Capacity to Use Data
Given the current COVID-19 pandemic, data linking has never been more urgent. Fortunately, technologies and administrative supports make linking feasible for Part C/619 data leaders. Participants will learn about the many considerations and benefits associated with internal agency data linking and agency-to-agency data linking.
Race Equity and Leadership: Working to Strengthen Our Leadership and Build More Equitable Systems
At this pivotal opportunity in history, we need strong leaders who are willing to ask tough questions, challenge the status quo, and call out biases and structural oppression. How can you become that kind of leader? This session is designed to inspire and support state Part C and Section 619 leaders in building their capacity to address issues of inequity in their systems.
Part C Data During COVID-19: Navigating the Next Six Months Together
Given the unprecedented nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, states have many challenges and questions about the collection, reporting, interpretation, and use of their Part C data. In this session, we will focus on supporting Part C leaders with addressing the next 6 months of federal and state data requirements.
Data Use for Continuous Quality Improvement: What the Head Start Field Can Learn from Other Disciplines
This report summarizes research on the processes, facilitators, and impediments to data use for continuous quality improvement; develops a conceptual framework representing the elements of data use for continuous quality […]
Linking EHDI and Part C Data Webinar
August 28, 2019 This interactive webinar highlights stories from Part C Coordinators who have or are developing collaborative data sharing agreements that allow them to share Part C data with […]
Telling Your Data Story with an Infographic Workshop Series
April 4, 2019 This series of virtual workshops will equip participants with resources and tools as well as feedback and support to develop an effective infographic. In the first workshop, […]
Data Culture: What Does It Look Like in Your Program? Encore Webinar
February 6, 2019 Learn about state efforts to build a culture of data use and use this information to reflect on your state or program’s data culture. Resources including the […]