In this session, presenters shared the value of an ECIDS (early childhood integrated data system) to IDEA programs, whether your state operates one, and when and how to become an active partner. Utah shared its approach and the process for including Part C data.
Tag Archives: Data Leadership
A Comprehensive Review of State Data Systems Supporting Early Childhood

NASDSE. December 2024. Using IDEA program data from a recent national survey, the presenters discussed the features and capabilities of state ECSE data systems, including typical child record content; access to standard workforce or financial data; associations with EI, Big B data, general ed/SLDS, health and foster care systems (ECIDS); and planned enhancements.
Cultivating Competencies Growing the Community of Part C Data Managers
The DaSy work highlighted in this session by current State Part C Data Managers is relevant to providing and supporting a strong Part C Data Manager community, which is especially important given the high turnover rate.
Cultivating Competencies: Growing the Community of Part C Data Managers

Sharing information about the Part C data manager community opportunities, presenters and state data managers discussed how DaSy can support new and seasoned data managers. Most content in the presentation was shared in conversation.
Create Positive Change Through Data Culture and Systems Thinking

DaSy, ECTA, and the Waters Center for Systems Thinking teamed with four states to improve their Part C/619 programs by increasing the knowledge and skills needed to improve data culture and become systems thinkers.
Data Governance Toolkit

This DaSy toolkit contains information, guidance, and templates to assist Part C and Part B 619 program staff with creating or enhancing their data governance policies and procedures. For each data governance topic, an overview, consideration questions, and a fillable Microsoft Word template is provided.
Part C Data Tips: Choose Simple Steps to Move Priorities Forward

Part C and Part B 619 Data Managers and Coordinators have ongoing reporting deadlines. So, what do you do with high priorities that lurk on the radar with no time to address them? Here are the areas to make space for in your calendar today and on an ongoing basis. Any steps in these areas will help make the big deadlines easier, too.
Poster: DaSy, The Center for IDEA Early Childhood Data Systems

Conference: OSEP Leadership Conference Date: July 2023 Presenter: Sue Barlow, Michelle Lewis, Nicholas Ortiz, Kellen Reid In this poster from the 2023 OSEP Leadership Conference, DaSy highlights its mission, services, […]
Part C Data Leadership Convening 2023
The Part C Data Leadership Convening is designed for Part C Data Managers and other state staff who play an important role in data leadership. This in-person event is intended to help Part C Data Managers assess personal and team level Data Leadership Competencies and strengthen those essential to achieving levels of program quality articulated in the DaSy System Framework.
Family Data Leaders Advance States’ Efforts

Multiple family voices at the table are essential. Family members will reveal unseen successes, barriers, issues, or problems. They will suggest and recommend improvements. They will define and celebrate successes. With well-supported and compensated Family Data Leaders with flexible opportunities for input, states and local programs can better meet goals with and for children and families. Don’t miss out on family members’ voices and expertise.