Child Outcomes Summary Knowledge Check (COS-KC)

Does your state or program use the ECO Child Outcomes Summary (COS) process for measuring child outcomes? How much do you know about practitioner knowledge of the COS process? Well-equipped practitioners are one key to high quality child outcomes data, and now we have a tool to help practitioners and states understand practitioner knowledge about the COS process. The COS Knowledge Check (COS-KC) is a brief assessment that produces helpful reports for state planning and improvement.

Remembering Judy Heumann

Judy Heumann

A tireless activist and advocate, Judy helped develop legislation that would become the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and she was a key figure in other federal legislation to increase access and inclusion for people with disabilities.

DaSy Dynamic Impact

Improving programs and changing systems can be hard, DaSy Dynamic Impact is an easy-to-use approach that provides a consistent, successful, and sustainable process to support your team.

Equity Starts with Allocations: Aligning Resources to Meet the Needs of All

Methods for state Part C allocations are typically driven by factors such as the number of children served in the previous year and historic expenditure patterns. But how well are these allocations meeting the needs of children and families in the state Part C program? Might other factors better support different levels of need? Using multiple sources of programmatic and fiscal data, states may better understand how to equitably allocate resources statewide to serve all families. Because states vary considerably in how they are structured, in this session we discussed different considerations and methods for determining allocations to facilitate equitable use of early intervention resources statewide.

No Need to Reinvent the Wheel: Professional Development Resources to Reinforce Core COS Practices

This session explored available Child Outcomes Summary (COS) resources that help teams focus on functionality, cover the breadth of the outcomes, develop age-anchoring skills, determine ratings with the decision tree, and engage families in COS conversations. Participants discovered how these resources can improve, refresh, or refine team implementation of the COS process. Professional development providers and technical assistance staff using these resources shared strategies for practical implementation of quality learning activities for busy practitioners.