Using Data from the Behavior Incident Report to Address Equity in Pyramid Model Programs: Guidance for State Leadership Teams

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This NCPMI and DaSy resource provides State Leadership Teams with guidance on the collection and analysis of behavior incident report data from programs. It aims to help Pyramid Model (PM) state leadership teams use Behavior Incident Report (BIR) data to guide program improvement to reduce challenging behaviors that result in the use of exclusionary discipline practices.

Using Data Processes and Systems Thinking to Drive Impactful, Sustainable Systems Improvement Cohort

DaSy, ECTA, and the Waters Center For Systems Thinking are offering an opportunity for 3-5 states to participate in the Data and Systems Thinking cohort. Focusing on improving states’ ability to collect, report, analyze and use data to support state systems change efforts and will build on previous state systems change work (such as the State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP)).

Using Data to Advance Equity

Conference: Family Leadership Conference 2022 Presenters: Michelle Lewis, DaSy​, Thomas McGhee, DaSy The goal of this presentation was to help participants (1) articulate the role of families and community members […]

Using Data to Advance Racial Equity – Special Collection

As part of DaSy’s commitment to advancing racial equity, we have assembled this special collection that encompasses a variety of data-related topics that intersect with equity, such as data collection, analysis, and reporting. These resources are designed for helping state Part C and Part B 619 staff in using data to identify and address racial disparities.