Author Archives: Kate Borelli

Timelines for Obligating and Liquidating FFY 2021 Part C ARP and IDEA Funds

Thumbnail of OSEP Memo

On May 17, 2023 OSEP released a memo regarding the obligation of and timelines for liquidating FFY 2021 funds. The OSEP memo addressed questions OSEP had received about FFY 2021 IDEA funds including American Rescue Plan (ARP) funds. (If you missed this memo, it is attached below.) DaSy encourages Part C coordinators to read the memo carefully and share the memo with pertinent staff within your agency, particularly those involved with the fiscal management of the Part C program.

Part C Data Leadership Convening 2023

The Part C Data Leadership Convening is designed for Part C Data Managers and other state staff who play an important role in data leadership. This in-person event is intended to help Part C Data Managers assess personal and team level Data Leadership Competencies and strengthen those essential to achieving levels of program quality articulated in the DaSy System Framework. 

Using Data Processes and Systems Thinking to Drive Impactful, Sustainable Systems Improvement Cohort

DaSy, ECTA, and the Waters Center For Systems Thinking are offering an opportunity for 3-5 states to participate in the Data and Systems Thinking cohort. Focusing on improving states’ ability to collect, report, analyze and use data to support state systems change efforts and will build on previous state systems change work (such as the State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP)).

OSEP Blog: Suspension, Expulsion & Informal Removals: Unexpected Realities in Preschool

DaSy Director Grace Kelley and DaSy TA Specialist Jennifer Tschantz contributed to OSEP Director Valerie C. Williams’ May Discipline Discussions Blog. This month she addressed the important topic of suspensions, expulsions, and other forms of exclusionary discipline that remove children from their preschool environment and end up creating stressful and isolating experiences for children and their families.