Fiscal profile guidance

Fiscal Data Profile Template (2018)

This Fiscal Data Profile Template (2018) displays fiscal data at a specific point in time. It can be used with the Fiscal Data Trend Profile Template (2023) to show trending data on budget source and expenses over multiple years.

For a Part C system, the fiscal data profile depicts demographic, service delivery, infrastructure, and administrative data in a variety of ways to make the fiscal data more comprehensible to users. This 2018 Fiscal Data Profile Template Excel tool converts raw program-level fiscal data that a state enters into more engaging and informative graphical displays (i.e., profiles) and analytical statements that can be used to facilitate budget development and management, conduct general supervision and garner political will.

Published by: DaSy Center and ECTA Center

Fiscal Data Profile Tool (Excel)
Tool Sample Data (Excel)
Fiscal Data Profile Template Guidance (PDF)

Published January 2018.