This session explored the many strategies that Part C and Part B 619 program leaders in one state are using to elevate family voice in program improvement planning. Join us to explore successes and lessons learned related to this equity-focused work to support families as advisors and partners.
Tag Archives: Equity
The Power of Families at the Table: Using Data to Advance Equity
Part C and 619 staff can use the tools and strategies in this webinar to define the role of families and community members on equitable data teams, engage families in meaningful data conversations, and collaborate with families and other community partners in using data.
Data Leadership – What it Means for Equity
This webinar calls on Part C and Part B 619 staff to use data to lead for equity and provides introductory guidance on how to do this.
How Measuring Your Preschool Child Outcomes Data Quality Can Lead to Data Use for Better Results
This presentation can help Part C and Part B 619 staff understand the basic tenets of data quality and the consequences for data use, particularly when data quality differ by racial/ethnic groups.
Using Data from Families of Young Children to Advance Program Equity
Part C and 619 staff can use the content in this session to address common issues with data about families. In particular, staff can learn how one state used a structured approach to identify challenges with their family outcomes data and develop intentional strategies to address those challenges.
Closing Keynote: Responding to the Moment: Harnessing Data to Promote Equity
This IDIO 2020 keynote provides Part C and Part B 619 staff with foundational concepts related to date and equity.
Using Child Outcomes Data to Understand Equity
Part C and Part B 619 staff can learn from the reflections of their peers on analyzing child outcomes data with an equity mindset.
Using Part C Family Outcomes Data to Examine Equity and Representativeness
This presentation can help Part C staff and other stakeholders gain strategies for identifying representativeness in response rates and how to ensure all families’ voices are represented in family survey data.
Race Equity and Leadership: Working to Strengthen Our Leadership and Build More Equitable Systems
At this pivotal opportunity in history, we need strong leaders who are willing to ask tough questions, challenge the status quo, and call out biases and structural oppression. How can you become that kind of leader? This session is designed to inspire and support state Part C and Section 619 leaders in building their capacity to address issues of inequity in their systems.