Have you wondered what to do to prepare for your state’s engagement in DMS 2.0? Representatives from three Part C Cohort 1 states that have completed the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) interviews and visits and have shared how they prepared for engaging in DMS 2.0, including successes, challenges, and lessons learned.
Tag Archives: Data Use
Stop the Drop! Part C Enrollment for Children Born LBW and Preterm
Conference: DEC & ISEI Joint Conference 2022 Date: September 28, 2022 Presenter: Patricia Blasco, Evelyn Shaw, and Kathryn Morrison This presentation described background information on children born at low birth […]
Data Detective: Looking for Patterns in Child Outcomes Data to Assess Data Quality (Workshop)
In this workshop, participants engaged in practical exercises to look for expected and unexpected patterns in their own data with the goal of increasing competence with data quality and prioritizing areas for data quality improvement.
Data Detective: Looking for Patterns in Child Outcomes Data to Assess Data Quality (Concurrent Session)
In this session, participants engaged in practical exercises to look for expected and unexpected patterns in their own data with the goal of increasing competence with data quality and prioritizing areas for data quality improvement.
Everything You Need to Know to Successfully Link Data: A New Resource and a State Story
During this session, DaSy staff discussed how Part C and Part B program staff can leverage data linking to answer complex questions of interest. The presenters showed and described the new Data Linking Toolkit which is comprised of multiple sections that include downloadable tools to support Part C and Part B 619 program staff as they consider, prepare, and successfully link their data. In addition, North Carolina shared their recent experience linking Part C and Part B 619 data in their state across two state agencies.
Engaging Stakeholders to Increase Feedback from Underrepresented Families
This presentation included strategies generated from multiple states involved in technical assistance to improve Family Outcomes representativeness and equity.
Practical Tips for Evaluating and Analyzing Data on Practitioners’ Use of Evidence-based Practices
In this presentation, presenters share tips for high quality practice evaluation and analysis and present an example from Hawaii’s experience.
Early Transition Data Listening Session: Exploring Transition Data Challenges, Strategies, and Methods
This is the last in a series of stand-alone facilitated listening sessions provided by DaSy and ECTA focused on the transition from Part C to Part B, 619. Presenters shared resources and tools that may assist states as they improve their data processes and systems.
Look! Think! Act! Using Data for Program Improvement
A simple process for state and local program leaders to use data to make organizational and program decisions.
Developing Use Cases to Support Your EI and ECSE Data Analytics
The presentation reviewed the process and components of a programmatic use case, discussed how to use the programmatic use case and reviewed a state example. Lastly, the session engaged in a small group activity to create a draft use case based on the DaSy Critical Questions.