This Special Collection provides resources specifically helpful for state Part C and Part B 619 program staff working to build effective data teams and support conditions for a culture of data use at the state and local levels.
Resources to help Understand Data Culture
- Are You Turning Data into Insight?Authors: Cornelia Taylor and Denise Mauzy, SRI International “The goal is to turn data into information and information into insight.” — Carly Fiorina, former chief executive officer ...Read more
- How to Build a “Data Culture”?This short blog post from Whole Whale identifies three key components for building a Data Culture and outlined the role that each play in the ...Read more
- How States Use Data to Inform DecisionsThis 2018 Pew Trust study used data collected from interviews with more than 350 state officials to highlight ways in which some government leaders have ...Read more
- Key Activities to Build a Culture of Data UseThis DaSy-developed infographic identifies five key activities necessary for building a culture of data use. It is the foundation of our Data Culture Toolkit. View Culture ...Read more
- What are Data Teams?Whether starting a new internal data team or requesting support from an existing external group, this DaSy-developed infographic can be used to recruit data team ...Read more
Resources to help with Teaming for Data Use
- You’re Invited! How Data Parties Contribute to a Culture of Participation in Internal Evaluation ActivitiesIn this blog post, Omoshalewa Bamkole, an Evaluation Fellow in the Division of Scientific Education and Professional Development (DSEPD) in the Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, ...Read more
- What are Data Teams?Whether starting a new internal data team or requesting support from an existing external group, this DaSy-developed infographic can be used to recruit data team ...Read more
- Guidelines for Building Great Data TeamsThis DaSy-developed infographic, set in a continuous cycle format, contains the essential elements for building an effective data team and can be used to support ...Read more
- Teaming Plan Considerations WorksheetFacilitators can use this editable DaSy-developed worksheet to guide data team discussions and to take notes about key decisions or issues for further consideration. View Teaming ...Read more
- Teaming Plan TemplateFacilitators can use this DaSy-developed template to finalize a data teaming plan. Simply transfer your answers from the worksheet to the appropriate section of the ...Read more
- Data Meeting ProtocolThis 2018 IDEA Data Center (IDC) tool provides a simple structure that state and local teams can use to guide conversations around data. It details ...Read more
Resources to help Assess Culture of Data Use
- Data Culture Self-AssessmentThis DaSy-developed tool provides guidance for building a culture of data use. It includes items in four areas: teaming, data management, data-informed inquiry, and monitoring ...Read more
- Identifying and Addressing Barriers to Data Use WorksheetThis DaSy-developed worksheet is for recording, categorizing, and rank ordering data use barriers in the state or local program and brainstorming resolutions to them. View Worksheet: ...Read more
- Barriers to Data UseThis DaSy-developed infographic identifies the cultural, political, and technical barriers that research has identified as impacting data use. View Barriers to Data UseInfographic or text-only versionRead more
- Analyzing Child Outcomes Data for Program Improvement: A Guidance TableThis guidance table from the Early Childhood Outcomes Center (ECO) is a tool to help identify key issues, questions, and approaches for analyzing and interpreting ...Read more
Resources to help Prioritize Your Team’s Critical Questions
- Critical Questions About Early Intervention and Early Childhood Special EducationWhat questions should data users, such as program directors, advocates, and policymakers, be asking?Read more
- Selecting State-Level Questions Most Relevant to Local Data UseThis DaSy-developed tool guides local staff in selecting and prioritizing critical questions most related to local programs in the areas of child and family, practitioner, ...Read more
Resources to Assess and Improve Data Quality
- Data Governance ToolkitThis DaSy toolkit contains information, guidance, and templates to assist Part C and Part B 619 program staff with creating or enhancing their data governance ...Read more
- DaSy Data System FrameworkSupporting Part C and Part B 619 programs developing state data systems.Read more
- Data Visualization ToolkitThis DaSy toolkit provides guidance for effectively creating and presenting data visuals.Read more
- Stakeholder Knowledge ToolkitThis DaSy toolkit provides an orientation to IDEA data and other data-related topics to help stakeholders meaningfully participate in conversations about programmatic issues and decisions.Read more
- State-Level Data Quality Considerations WorksheetThis DaSy-developed worksheet is provided to facilitate conversations among team members about state data quality issues. Notes can be recorded in the column provided. View ...Read more
- Local-Level Data Quality Considerations WorksheetThis DaSy-developed worksheet is provided to facilitate conversations among team members about local data quality issues. Notes can be recorded in the column provided. View ...Read more
- Outcomes MeasurementThis collection of resources from the Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (ECTA) can be used to analyze child and family outcomes and to measure associated ...Read more
- Checking Outcome Data for Quality: Looking for PatternsThis Early Child Outcomes Center (ECO) resource can be used to check for anomalies in child outcomes data. Table: Checking Outcome Data for Quality: Looking for ...Read more
- IDEA Data Quality: Outlier Analyses ToolsThese IDEA Data Center products are designed to be used by the state personnel responsible for the IDEA 618 and/or 616 data. They include a ...Read more
- Working Principles of High-Quality IDEA DataThis IDEA Data Center (IDC) infographic provides definitions of key principles of high-quality IDEA data. View Working Principles of High-Quality IDEA Data InfographicRead more
Published August 2017.