The DaSy Center Supports North Carolina’s Journey to Link IDEA Part C and Part B 619 Data

The DaSy Center supports all 56 U.S. states and territories and provides individualized and cross-state technical assistance (TA) on data linking and integration. Early intervention (Part C) and early childhood special education (Part B 619) state programs are interested in linking their data to address critical questions about program quality in order to improve outcomes for young children with disabilities and their families. To learn more, visit What’s the Difference Between Data Sharing, Data Linking and Data Integration?

Here is the story of one years-long journey to link state IDEA Part C and Part B 619 data.

DaSy’s efforts were important for more than just facilitating and capacity-building; they also brought in significant content expertise. “[DaSy] consultants really got into the weeds with us about data analysis and critical questions.”
– Barbara D. Simpson, Part C Data Manager.

The Path to Data Linking

Led by DaSy, the Office of Early Learning in the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (Part B 619) and the Early Intervention Branch in the Department of Health and Human Services (Part C) participated in a year-long data linking cohort followed by intensive individualized TA over several years. The two agencies had worked together in the past, but their data and systems were not yet linked. Following their participation in DaSy’s multi-state cohort, North Carolina sought intensive, individualized TA to achieve the goal of linking the data from the two state systems.

The primary purpose in linking the IDEA Part C and Part B 619 datasets is to enable analyses that provide a deeper understanding of how children transition from one program to the other.

Learn more by reading the full story: The DaSy Center Supports North Carolina’s Journey to Link IDEA Part C and Part B 619 Data.


Published May 2024.