Designed to provide assistance to IDEA Part C Data Managers and other users of the EDFacts Metadata and Process System (EMAPS). This tool offers a way to ensure accuracy of IDEA Part C Child Count and Settings data prior to official submission. The Part C Child Count and Setting Data Tool allows the state to enter their data and have any errors flagged. Corrections can then be made prior to data entry and submission in EMAPS.
Category Archives: 2023
Babies, Toddlers, Families, Part C, Oh My!
NE-PACT. October 2023. This presentation covers Part C IDEA regulations, Part C Systems and Services, the comprehensive early childhood system, and how we can be sure it is equitable.
Early Childhood Development Chart—Third Edition: Crosswalk to The Three Child Outcomes
Milestones from the Early Childhood Development Chart are one of many sources of information that can help teams understand how skills align with with Three Child Outcomes states measure for […]
IDEA Child Outcomes Highlights for FFY 2021
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) funds programs providing services designed to assist children with a range of delays and disabilities in achieving individualized developmental and functional goals. There are two types of programs. Part C Early Intervention is for children ages birth–2, and Part B Preschool is for children ages 3–5.
The What, Why and How: The Critical Need to have Families at the “Table”
NE-PACT. October 2023. Families are key stakeholders in data conversations. They provide a unique perspective that is critical for program improvement.
Data Inquiry Cycle
This guide supports Part C and Part B 619 program staff in addressing equity considerations at each stage of the data inquiry cycle. The guide incorporates key components of the DaSy Data Systems Framework and the DaSy Racial Equity Statement that can help states, territories, and tribal governments move toward more equitable practices related to program access, supports and services, and outcomes.
Part C Data Tips: March Resources
Updated for 2024! We asked DaSy experts for tools that are helpful for this season and for ways to prepare for what’s ahead.
Walking the Walk: Using Child Outcomes Data for Improvement
DEC. Deccember 2023. This DEC conference presentation highlights the FFY2021 national child outcomes data as well as how one preschool special education program uses these data at the state and local levels.
The What, Why and How: The Critical Need to have Families at the “Table”
DEC. Deccember 2023. This session increased participant knowledge about the types of data, reasons for data collection and how data drives improvement, with a focus on equity. Participants also gained strategies to participate in data discussions.
Part C Data Tips: State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR) Season
Stay focused with these quick tips for State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR) season for Part C Data Managers, Coordinators and staff.