Data visualization is a powerful tool to report many types of data, including qualitative data. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, state and local Part C and 619 programs have had to think creatively and strategically about how to provide services to children and families in a virtual environment due to in-person restrictions and school closures.
Category Archives: Source – Conference Presentation
Leadership: Purpose with Passion
Join a panel of state leaders who will share their roles in the development and pilot of the Part C and Part B/619 Leadership Initiative sponsored by the Early Childhood Personnel Center (ECPC). Strengthening the knowledge and skills of the Part C and Part B 619 coordinators leads to enhanced effectiveness and retention of these critical state system leaders.
What It Takes for Practice Change: Evidence-Based Practices for Social-Emotional Outcomes
The improvement of social and emotional outcomes for young children depends on practitioners using evidence-based practices in the support of families and the instruction of young children. Join this session to discuss what it takes to improve and sustain practice implementation with a focus on social-emotional practices.
Building A Culture of Data Use: You TOO Can Become a Data Leader!
What is data leadership? How do data leaders create and sustain a culture of data use? How do we know what to focus on and if we’re doing it right? Join this interactive session to explore these questions and learn about strategies and resources for developing a culture where data are used for continuous improvement as part of day-to-day operations.
Using the Preschool Development Grants (PDG) to Build Inclusive Systems
The Preschool Development Grants (PDG) present an opportunity for states to build more coordinated, inclusive state systems to better address the needs of all young children and their families including those with disabilities. Come learn about how Part C and Part B 619 state agencies are contributing to the PDG efforts in their states. This session also will provide opportunities to share and hear state plans, accomplishments, and challenges in using PDG to support improved services and outcomes for children with disabilities.
State Systemic Improvement Plans (SSIP): Where Do We Go From Here?
Considering SSIP modifications due to COVID-19? Planning statewide scale-up or thinking about how to sustain infrastructure and practice improvements proposed in your SSIP? Considering a new State Identified Measurable Result (SIMR) or implementing different evidence-based practices? If you answered yes to any of these questions, join this interactive session to begin planning how to assess your state’s SSIP, past and present, and consider the future of your SSIP.
Essential Participation of Family Leaders and Shared Leadership in Part C and 619 Programs
Calling all Part C and 619 Family Leaders! It takes teamwork to build effective state and local systems for young children with disabilities. You are an essential member of those teams, working in partnership with the other players.
Change is a Given: New Requirements for Reporting Educational Environments for Preschoolers
In this session, facilitated by IDC and ECTA staff, we will present information and have a discussion of the changes to the 618 Child Find data collection for preschool educational environments. Educational environments for children ages 3–5 will now require a count of children who are 3 through 5 years of age on the state-determined collection date who are receiving preschool services but will no longer include those children who are age 5 and in kindergarten.
What I Wish I Knew Then: Lessons Learned Designing and Managing State Data Systems
In this DaSy presentation, former data managers share lessons they’ve learned designing and managing data systems based on their own state experience and their technical assistance with dozens of states.
What You Need to Know: Part C IDEA Data Reporting and Monitoring Updates
Part C Coordinators are invited to join OSEP staff to hear updates related to the Part C SPP/APR, including the SSIP, as well as the launch of Differentiated Monitoring and Support (DMS) 2.0. OSEP will share information related to the FFY 2019 and FFY 2020 SPP/APR submissions will provide a general overview of OSEP’s vision to incorporate State system improvement efforts into DMS.