This tool can be used to chart the child outcomes summary statements (Indicator C3/B7) over time. It displays trends in child outcomes in the form of line charts, which makes it easy to track progress and interpret the data.
Tag Archives: Program Improvement
The What, Why and How: The Critical Need to have Families at the “Table”
NE-PACT. October 2023. Families are key stakeholders in data conversations. They provide a unique perspective that is critical for program improvement.
Automated Data Sharing or Linking Use Case: IDEA Part C to Part B 619 Transition Notification
This is a resource for Part C and Part B 619 program staff looking to share or link their IDEA Part C to Part B 619 transition notification data. This resource contains both an example use case and a sample template for states and territories to use.
Data Inquiry Cycle
This guide supports Part C and Part B 619 program staff in addressing equity considerations at each stage of the data inquiry cycle. The guide incorporates key components of the DaSy Data Systems Framework and the DaSy Racial Equity Statement that can help states, territories, and tribal governments move toward more equitable practices related to program access, supports and services, and outcomes.
Crossing the Divide: An Intersectional Approach to Data Analysis
DEC. Deccember 2023. This presentation demonstrates ways to apply an intersectional approach to data analysis. DaSy/ECTA staff offer a grounding definition of the approach, highlight various examples of intersectional narratives in everyday media, and walk through a specific example of intersectional analysis of child outcomes data.
What we Need to Know to Understand The Scope of Exclusionary Discipline
Conference: Early Childhood Inclusion Institute Date: May 2023 Presenters: Grace Kelley, Ginger Elliott-Teague, Sally Shepherd A facilitated discussion among participants to map a path to improving understanding of the scope […]
Data Linking and Integration Learning Community
Nov 29, 2023. The Data Linking and Integration Learning Community will meet monthly to discuss relevant key topics, facilitate in-state and cross-state collaboration and learning, provide strategies and approaches to support states’ challenges, and encourage discussion of critical systems issues relevant to states.
2021 State of the States Brief: The COVID-19 Pandemic as Captured by Part C and Part B 619 Data Systems
The COVID-19 pandemic presented unique challenges for states’ Part C and Part B 619 data collection and reporting. The spring 2021 State of the States survey provides a snapshot of the types of data states and territories were able to collect during the early stage of the pandemic (between late 2020 and early 2021) and how they collected the data. Lessons learned from the pandemic can help states improve data collection around telehealth services and prepare for future data disruptions, such as natural disasters.
What DaSy Can Do for You!
February 17, 2023. In this webinar for Part C Coordinators, Part C Data Managers, and Part B 619 Coordinators, DaSy shared information about current and upcoming technical assistance opportunities, data-related activities, and supports available for your state’s Part C and Part B 619 programs.
DaSy Dynamic Impact
Improving programs and changing systems can be hard, DaSy Dynamic Impact is an easy-to-use approach that provides a consistent, successful, and sustainable process to support your team.