Tag Archives: Data Leadership

System Improvement for Equitable Access, Experiences and Outcomes

Many folks have been engaged in equity work at a personal and professional level. But what does it mean to have an equitable system? This session focused on how to intentionally include equity in your system through the indicators of quality in the revised ECTA/ DaSy System Framework. We shared how to use data at the leadership level to inform policy development, and provide opportunity to dig deep to identify needs, priorities, and opportunities for action at both the state and local level within your own system.

Everything You Need to Know to Successfully Link Data: A New Resource and a State Story

During this session, DaSy staff discussed how Part C and Part B program staff can leverage data linking to answer complex questions of interest. The presenters showed and described the new Data Linking Toolkit which is comprised of multiple sections that include downloadable tools to support Part C and Part B 619 program staff as they consider, prepare, and successfully link their data. In addition, North Carolina shared their recent experience linking Part C and Part B 619 data in their state across two state agencies.