Responding to COVID-19: Ongoing Considerations for Part C Data Webinar

July 13, 2020

Disruptions caused by COVID-19 have impacted state IDEA Part C policies, procedures, and practices and continue to require innovative data collection responses and solutions. During this webinar we shared and discussed DaSy’s new “Preliminary Part C Data Considerations During COVID-19” resource, heard from two states about how they have adapted their data collection and use practices, learned about activities to help prepare data systems to manage the ongoing data-related effects of the pandemic, discussed and explored ways they are adjusting their data infrastructure in response to COVID-19, and learned about how the DaSy Center is preparing resources to support your data system work and how to reach us for individualized technical assistance.

This webinar was specifically intended for Part C Coordinators and Data Managers and their interested colleagues. The webinar was recorded and is available upon request.

Webinar Slides
Key Part C Data Considerations During COVID-19