The FFY 2022 Part B and Part C SPP/APR packages are now available. The final versions of the packages are located on the Resources for Grantees page of the IDEA section of the U.S. Department of Education website. Additional resources have been posted on OSEP’s Community 360 webpage.
This quick reference guide has important dates, links, and resources in one place to help with IDEA Part C data requirements.
This new guide helps state staff and others understand obligation and liquidation requirements and timelines, the grant funding cycle, and oversight responsibilities,
The COVID-19 pandemic presented unique challenges for states’ Part C and Part B 619 data collection and reporting. The spring 2021 State of the States survey provides a snapshot of the types of data states and territories were able to collect during the early stage of the pandemic (between late 2020 and early 2021) and how they collected the data. Lessons learned from the pandemic can help states improve data collection around telehealth services and prepare for future data disruptions, such as natural disasters.
For a Part C system, the fiscal data profile depicts demographic, service delivery, infrastructure, and administrative data in a variety of ways to make the fiscal data more comprehensible to users.
Some states used additional tools/approaches to measure other family variables. States use survey methods to collect family outcomes data, but the questions and processes vary.
DaSy collects comprehensive information on the status of Part C and Part B 619 data systems through the State of the States survey, which comprises a survey of Part C […]
When presented effectively, data are engaging, comprehensible, relevant, and
A document that includes information about each of the fields included in the COS-KC All Data report. If you need more information, contact your DaSy TA liaison. COS-KC Data Key […]
The FFY 2021 Part B and Part C SPP/APR packages are now available. The final versions of the FFY 2021 SPP/APR packages are located on Resources for Grantees page of the IDEA section of the U.S. Department of Education website.