August 22, 2023, 11:00 am-12:00 pm PT / 2:00-3:00 pm ET OSEP’s recently released a guidance document: State’s General Supervision Responsibilities under Parts B and C of the IDEA: Monitoring, […]
Category Archives: DaSy Center
Part C Data Processes Toolkit
This DaSy toolkit provides customizable data collection protocols to document data processes for the lead agency.
Exploring Notification: How Data Are Communicated to Initiate Transition
August 3, 2023. This webinar highlighted examples of data sharing, linking, and integration for transition notification, the initial step of the transition process. The presenters shared key resources, state examples, and strategies for communicating data between EI and ECSE programs.
Cultivating Quality COS Conversations: Tips from Families and Practitioners
Conference: DEC & ISEI Joint Conference 2022 Date: September 28, 2022 Presenters: Naomi Younggren, Lauren Barton, Stephanie Moss, Henry Matthews This session reviewed how children’s functioning relative to age-expectations is […]
No Need to Reinvent the Wheel: Resources to Reinforce Core COS Practices
Conference: DEC & ISEI Joint Conference 2022 Date: September 28, 2022 Presenters: Lauren Barton, Naomi Younggren, Henry Matthews, Stephanie Moore, Kellen Reid, Faith Scheibe, and Nicholas Ortiz This session explored […]
Timely, Purposeful Expenditure of IDEA Funds Webinar
Join CIFR, NCSI, ECTA, and DaSy for this cross-center webinar to deepen your understanding of obligation and liquidation requirements and timelines, the grant funding cycle, and oversight responsibilities.
Part C Data Leadership Convening 2023
The Part C Data Leadership Convening is designed for Part C Data Managers and other state staff who play an important role in data leadership. This in-person event is intended to help Part C Data Managers assess personal and team level Data Leadership Competencies and strengthen those essential to achieving levels of program quality articulated in the DaSy System Framework.
Family Data Leaders Advance States’ Efforts
Multiple family voices at the table are essential. Family members will reveal unseen successes, barriers, issues, or problems. They will suggest and recommend improvements. They will define and celebrate successes. With well-supported and compensated Family Data Leaders with flexible opportunities for input, states and local programs can better meet goals with and for children and families. Don’t miss out on family members’ voices and expertise.
Using Data Processes and Systems Thinking to Drive Impactful, Sustainable Systems Improvement Cohort
DaSy, ECTA, and the Waters Center For Systems Thinking are offering an opportunity for 3-5 states to participate in the Data and Systems Thinking cohort. Focusing on improving states’ ability to collect, report, analyze and use data to support state systems change efforts and will build on previous state systems change work (such as the State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP)).
Part C Data Tips: Spring 2023 Resources
Part C Data Managers are shifting timelines and processes in response to new deadlines around modernization. Top Part C Data tasks to tackle this quarter are focused around OSEP’s modernization of the data submission system.