The OSEP-funded Early Childhood Technical Assistance (TA) Centers are pleased to announce a variety of new and ongoing opportunities to build individual and state capacity around implementation of IDEA 0-5 in 2023. We hope this information will assist you as you consider which TA opportunities best fit your needs and priorities.
Newly updated! The Part C Exiting Data Tool is designed to be used by states as they prepare their IDEA 618 exit data for submission via EDPass.
These resources help states prepare and submit the SPP/APR, including the SPP/APR Basics online training series, checklists and tips (updated October 2024), and new calculations guidance that specifies the data to include in the calculations for each SPP/APR indicator.
New tools to support States reporting requirements on the correction of findings of noncompliance in the new SPP/APR Indicator C12 beginning with the FFY 2023 SPP/APR.
Updated in October 2024, the IDEA Part C Dispute Resolution EMAPS Survey Data Check Tool is designed to be used by lead agencies in states as they prepare their data for submission in EMAPS. The tool can identify potential format errors and validation errors and check for year-to-year changes in the data.
Have you been approached about having your Part C program participate in a statewide integrated data system initiative, such as an ECIDS or SLDS? Or is your program’s participation already in the works?
We will continue our critical work with states, ensuring they have the tools and capacity needed to build high-quality data systems and to use data to improve outcomes for young children with disabilities and their families.
Look here for important deadlines for 2024… As we begin a new IDEA reporting year, it’s time to get ready for the data tasks ahead! Staying on track with key deadlines is essential, so we’ve reached out to DaSy experts for tools to help you stay organized and plan for what’s coming next. Most notably, the transition from EMAPS to EDPass is beginning with the IDEA Part C Exiting Survey for the 2023-24 data submission.
Updated with 2023 data! Maps of national status of IDEA early childhood data systems for Part C and B.
September 11, 2024. Recording now available. An engaging discussion on how the latest policy and data trends affect how States safeguard privacy.