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Author Archives: Kate Borelli
2025 State Learning Opportunities

The OSEP-funded Early Childhood Technical Assistance (TA) Centers are pleased to announce a variety of new and ongoing opportunities to build individual and state capacity around implementation of IDEA 0-5 in 2023. We hope this information will assist you as you consider which TA opportunities best fit your needs and priorities.
IDEA Part C Exiting Data Check Tool

Newly updated! The Part C Exiting Data Tool is designed to be used by states as they prepare their IDEA 618 exit data for submission via EDPass.
IDIO 2024 Virtual Encore Series

Session 3 is Feb 25! Don’t miss this chance to connect, learn from other states, network with peers, and hear the keynotes and some concurrent and DaSyTalk presentations from IDIO 2024…
A Comprehensive Review of State Data Systems Supporting Early Childhood

NASDSE. December 2024. Using IDEA program data from a recent national survey, the presenters discussed the features and capabilities of state ECSE data systems, including typical child record content; access to standard workforce or financial data; associations with EI, Big B data, general ed/SLDS, health and foster care systems (ECIDS); and planned enhancements.
State Snapshots of Promising Practices by SPP/APR Indicator

The ECTA and DaSy Centers worked together to provide technical assistance and highlight state practices. These state snapshots are organized by selected indicators from the SPP/APR to support OSEP’s APR Indicator Analysis.
Data Systems Community of Practice

Do you want to connect with colleagues in other states and learn from their experiences procuring, implementing, or upgrading their IDEA Part C data system?
IDEA Part C Indicator 12 Resources

New tools to support States reporting requirements on the correction of findings of noncompliance in the new SPP/APR Indicator C12 beginning with the FFY 2023 SPP/APR.
Part C Data Tips: New Resources and Special Office Hours for SPP/APR Season

As Part C Data Managers and Coordinators head into the SPP/APR reporting season, balancing deadlines for data collection, reporting, and compliance is key. For those preparing the SPP/APR, there are several critical resources available to support your work.
Transform State Early Childhood Data to Meet the Needs of Children, Families, and Those Who Support Them
Better data is critical to improving the early childhood ecosystem. This resource is meant to help states understand the return on investment of improving their early childhood data capacity, provide guidance about how to make the improvements they need, and support them in laying a strong foundation for connecting robust early childhood data with statewide longitudinal data systems.