This presentation at the 2024 IDIO conference provided information and resources to help states to build a solid understanding of the SPP/APR indicators and the nuances of each calculation. Resources highlighed included the “SPP/APR Basics” online training modules, the Checklists and Tips, and the new Data Calculation documents.
Tag Archives: Indicator 5 (Birth to 1 with IFSPs)
SPP/APR Submission Guidance
These resources help states prepare and submit the SPP/APR, including the SPP/APR Basics online training series, checklists and tips (updated October 2024), and new calculations guidance that specifies the data to include in the calculations for each SPP/APR indicator.
SPP/APR Basics, What You Need to Know
A collection of self-directed modules that provide a basic understanding of the IDEA Part C and Part B 619 SPP/APR indicators and their requirements.
IDEA Part C EMAPS Child Count and Settings Data Tool
Designed to provide assistance to IDEA Part C Data Managers and other users of the EDFacts Metadata and Process System (EMAPS). This tool offers a way to ensure accuracy of IDEA Part C Child Count and Settings data prior to official submission. The Part C Child Count and Setting Data Tool allows the state to enter their data and have any errors flagged. Corrections can then be made prior to data entry and submission in EMAPS.
Examining Data to Improve Child Find Systems Working Series
May 21, 2024. Materials now available. Questioning where to start with or how to improve your child find data? DaSy and ECTA hosted this three-part online working series that started with the basic reporting requirements related to child find for Part C and Part B 619
Data Processes Toolkit and Data DMS Protocol Crosswalk
Do you need help identifying possible gaps in documentation required for OSEP’s differentiated monitoring and support process? This crosswalk is designed to provide an overview of the major themes covered in the Differentiated Monitoring and Support (DMS) Part B/C Data Protocol and where those themes could be addressed when a state chooses to use the DaSy Part C Data Processes Toolkit.
Stop the Drop! Part C Enrollment for Children Born LBW and Preterm
Conference: DEC & ISEI Joint Conference 2022 Date: September 28, 2022 Presenter: Patricia Blasco, Evelyn Shaw, and Kathryn Morrison This presentation described background information on children born at low birth […]
Your Best Ever State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report: Reporting Tools and Tips
This presentation provided tips and tools to facilitate creation of states’ State Performance Plans/Annual Performance Reports (SPP/APR). It included background information on SPP/APR and gave an overview of the newly-developed SPP/APR Modules.
Learn the Signs Act Early: Collaboration to Increase Developmental Monitoring and Earlier Identification
May 22, 2019 Developmental monitoring and developmental screening lead to earlier and more appropriate referrals to the Part C program. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)’s “Learn the […]
Identify Meaningful Differences in Child Find
This Excel-based calculator allows states to make several comparisons related to the percentage of infants and toddlers served: State percentage compared to state target, local program percentage compared to state […]