Tag Archives: Data

Transform State Early Childhood Data to Meet the Needs of Children, Families, and Those Who Support Them

Better data is critical to improving the early childhood ecosystem. This resource is meant to help states understand the return on investment of improving their early childhood data capacity, provide guidance about how to make the improvements they need, and support them in laying a strong foundation for connecting robust early childhood data with statewide longitudinal data systems.

The Intersection of Part C and CEDS

Common Education Data Standards logo

Explore the Connections tailored for Part C indicators, glean insights from a national early learning organization, and uncover additional CEDS early learning resources. 
Discover how over 55 elements with standardized definitions, developed by early learning SMEs, can streamline your Part C reporting.

EC Data University – Data Analysis

Data Analysis Tile

The data analysis path expands on prior content to include concepts ranging from statistics to data use as well as their practical application. Data analysis is critical for transforming the ever-growing volume of raw data available to early childhood programs into meaningful information that may be used for checking data quality, identifying/answering programmatic questions, and decision-making.