NASDSE. December 2024. Using IDEA program data from a recent national survey, the presenters discussed the features and capabilities of state ECSE data systems, including typical child record content; access to standard workforce or financial data; associations with EI, Big B data, general ed/SLDS, health and foster care systems (ECIDS); and planned enhancements.
Tag Archives: Data Partnerships
Create Positive Change Through Data Culture and Systems Thinking
DaSy, ECTA, and the Waters Center for Systems Thinking teamed with four states to improve their Part C/619 programs by increasing the knowledge and skills needed to improve data culture and become systems thinkers.
Leading Data Linking and Integration Initiatives Learning Community
Final session: July 25, 2024. This learning community is intended to support Part C program staff by building capacity and confidence in leading and managing data linking and integration (DLI) initiatives.
Data Governance Toolkit
This DaSy toolkit contains information, guidance, and templates to assist Part C and Part B 619 program staff with creating or enhancing their data governance policies and procedures. For each data governance topic, an overview, consideration questions, and a fillable Microsoft Word template is provided.
Data Sharing, Linking and Integration: What is it and How do we Start?
Conference: NASDSE Date: October 2023 Presenters: Ginger Elliott-Teague, Howard Morrison This presentation differentiates data sharing, linking, and integration, highlighting the features of each type of data communication in special education […]
Data Linking and Integration Learning Community
Nov 29, 2023. The Data Linking and Integration Learning Community will meet monthly to discuss relevant key topics, facilitate in-state and cross-state collaboration and learning, provide strategies and approaches to support states’ challenges, and encourage discussion of critical systems issues relevant to states.
Data Governance Webinar: How Prepared Are You?
October 3, 2022 Presenters: Bruce Bull & Nicholas Ortiz As state agencies increasingly use data for multiple purposes, data governance becomes essential to ensure that clear policies and procedures are […]
Everything You Need to Know to Successfully Link Data: A New Resource and a State Story
During this session, DaSy staff discussed how Part C and Part B program staff can leverage data linking to answer complex questions of interest. The presenters showed and described the new Data Linking Toolkit which is comprised of multiple sections that include downloadable tools to support Part C and Part B 619 program staff as they consider, prepare, and successfully link their data. In addition, North Carolina shared their recent experience linking Part C and Part B 619 data in their state across two state agencies.
Developing Use Cases to Support Your EI and ECSE Data Analytics
The presentation reviewed the process and components of a programmatic use case, discussed how to use the programmatic use case and reviewed a state example. Lastly, the session engaged in a small group activity to create a draft use case based on the DaSy Critical Questions.
Introduction to DaSy’s Data Linking Toolkit
August 4, 2022. The toolkit comprises multiple sections that include downloadable tools to support Part C and Part B 619 program staff as they consider, prepare, and successfully link their data.