The presentation reviewed the process and components of a programmatic use case, discussed how to use the programmatic use case and reviewed a state example. Lastly, the session engaged in a small group activity to create a draft use case based on the DaSy Critical Questions.
Tag Archives: Data Informed Decision Making
Telepractice Going Forward: Developing State Guidance for Ongoing Use of the Service Delivery Method
Two states share their processes used to develop current guidance and communication plans, based on data, to address the needs of families, providers, and staff to effectively implement telepractice as an ongoing service delivery method and advance equity in the current stage of the pandemic and beyond.
Hearing From All Families: Improving Family Outcome Survey Methodology
This session addressed strategies for improving survey methodology for collecting family outcome survey data that yield quality data for making informed program decisions for ALL families across dimensions of diversity.
DaSy Framework: Self-Assessment Tool
The Self-Assessment for the DaSy Framework is an Excel-based tool that provides a structure for state Part C and Section 619/Preschool programs to record the current status of their state system and set priorities for improvement, and track progress over time.
Tip Sheet Series: Evaluating the Implementation of Evidence-based Practices
This DaSy tip sheet series provides concise guidance for collecting and analyzing high-quality data on the implementation of evidence-based practices.
Data Meeting Toolkit
This toolkit is a suite of tools that groups can use to guide conversation around data and support databased decisionmaking. The toolkit provides resources to support success before, during, and after […]
Data Culture Toolkit
The DaSy toolkit is a resource containing information, guidance, and templates to help Part C and Part B 619 program staff build effective data teams and support conditions for a culture of data use at the state and local levels. The toolkit is organized around key steps to building a culture of data use in your state or local team.
What DaSy Can Do for You! Webinar
Looking for more information on the Center for IDEA Early Childhood Data Systems (DaSy), but don’t know where to start? Join us on June 21 at 4 pm ET for […]
Digging Deeper into Inclusion in Colorado: National Implications for the Utility of Indicator Six and Quality Improvement
While Colorado as a state has the highest Indicator 6 data in the country, the Preschool Team at the Colorado Department of Education sought to more deeply understand the quality of inclusive practices being implemented in publicly funded preschool classrooms across the state.
What DaSy 2 Can Do For You!
Please join us for the What DaSy 2 Can Do for You webinar to learn about current and upcoming technical assistance opportunities for your state’s Part C and Part B 619 programs.