State of the States: Part C Child Data Linked to Part B 619 Data

States with the capacity to examine Part C and Part B 619 data on the same child can answer multiple critical questions and possibly facilitate transition from C to B depending on the structure of the data system.

At least some child-level data about children receiving Part B 619 services are in the same data system or have been linked to child-level data from Part C.
Green Yes for Part C and Part B 619 (32%)
Blue Yes for Part C, No for Part B 619 (9%)
Orange No for Part C, Yes for Part B 619 (14%)
Red No for Part C and Part B 619 (34%)
Gray Data not available for at least one program (11%)

States & Territories


These data are based on information collected by the DaSy Center and the Infant Toddler Coordination Association (ITCA) in fall 2019. Electronic surveys were sent to Part C and Part B 619 coordinators in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, the Department of Defense, Bureau of Indian Education, and U.S. territories. If data were not provided in 2019, 2015 data were used if available, otherwise 2013 data were used if available. Individual state information is presented with permission from authorized state Part C and Part B 619 staff. State Part C or Part B 619 coordinators or data managers may provide information, make a correction, or request a copy of their responses by contacting DaSy.