Compute response rates for your state’s family survey data and determine if the surveys you received are representative of the target population.
Category Archives: 2023
SLDS Webinar: It’s Online! Navigating the Treasure Troves of Helpful SLDS Tools and Resources
This webinar will show attendees how to navigate Communities360 and the IES/NCES website to find valuable resources that are available to assist with planning, implementing, and maintaining SLDS.
A Data Linking Success Story in North Carolina
DaSy’s State of the States report shows that many early intervention (Part C) and early childhood special education (Part B, 619) state coordinators and data managers are interested in increasing data linking between IDEA programs. We share the story of one state’s journey to link Part C and Part B, 619 data.
National-State Family Data State Approaches Graph Creator 2020-21 (FFY 2020) (2023)
Compare your state’s C4 family outcomes data to the national data in the three sub-indicator areas. Make comparisons to subgroups of states that use the same survey and scoring approach
Map of Approaches to Family Outcomes Measurement: Part C APR Indicator 4 FFY 2020 (2020–2021)
Some states used additional tools/approaches to measure other family variables. States use survey methods to collect family outcomes data, but the questions and processes vary.
COS-KC Data Key for All Data Report
A document that includes information about each of the fields included in the COS-KC All Data report. If you need more information, contact your DaSy TA liaison. COS-KC Data Key […]
Improving Data, Improving Outcomes (IDIO) 2022 Encore
Join DaSy for the IDIO Encore, a virtual event to connect, learn from other states, network with peers, and hear the latest early childhood updates from the federal partners.
Improving Data Quality Using the Child Outcomes Summary Knowledge Check (COS-KC)
DEC. Deccember 2023. This presentation covers the purpose and features of the Child Outcomes Summary Knowledge Check (COS-KC), how states are using the COS-KC in their systems, how the COS-KC supports improving COS data quality, and how to sign up to use the COS-KC.
OSEP Early Childhood TA Centers Flyer
The OSEP Early Childhood TA Centers flyer is designed to help states better understand the content focus of the OSEP TA centers and the network of parent centers that respond […]