Tools designed by DaSy and ECTA to support the collection, review, and improvement of child find systems including 618 data, including the OSEP Part B 619 Child Find Self-Assessment (CFSA), OSEP Part C Child Find Self-Assessment (CFSA), Part C Child Find Funnel Chart Tool, Identifying Meaningful Differences in Child Find Calculator, and Contributing Factor Tool.
Category Archives: 2022
What’s the Difference Between Data Sharing, Data Linking and Data Integration?
Part Three in our Data Linking Blog Series Authors: Bruce Bull and Denise Mauzy Contributor: Margo Smith Data, data, everywhere. And how do we get that data to answer our […]
Developing Data Sharing Arrangements between EHDI and Part C to Improve Early Identification and Services
Conference: Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Conference Date: March 2022 Presenters: Haidee Bernstein, Karl White, Evelyn Shaw, Sharon Walsh The goal of this session was to help participants (1) Increase their […]
The Revised DaSy Data System Framework
March 30, 2022. DaSy staff presented the updated Data System Framework, which assists Part C and Part B 619 programs in developing and enhancing high-quality state data systems. Originally developed in 2014, the Framework has been revised to make it easier for states to use.
Data Dating: Cultivating Effective Stakeholder Relationships
Imagine there is someone special with whom you would like to build a new relationship. Would you ask that someone out on a date, set a time and place to meet, have the date, set a second date, but not communicate directly with that someone? That relationship is doomed from the start, and yet this happens regularly in the world of stakeholder engagement.
Data Sharing Partnerships Improve Systems
DaSy Framework: Self-Assessment Tool
The Self-Assessment for the DaSy Framework is an Excel-based tool that provides a structure for state Part C and Section 619/Preschool programs to record the current status of their state system and set priorities for improvement, and track progress over time.
IDEA Part C and Part B 619 State Data Systems: Current Status and Changes from 2013 to 2019
This DaSy report presents a comprehensive look at the status of Part C and Part B 619 state data systems in 2019. It includes what data states are collecting, what […]
IDEA State Early Childhood Data Systems: Overview of Changes from 2013 to 2019
This DaSy brief presents how Part C and Part B 619 state data systems changed on 10 key indicators of a high-quality data system (see more information on the indicators) […]
Coffee Talk Series: Using ARP Funding to Improve Part C and Part B 619 Data Systems
January – February 2022. Planning to use American Rescue Plan (ARP) funds to improve your data system? Wondering where to start with system upgrades and enhancements? Need to communicate data collection needs and timelines or federal requirements on use of the funds to diverse stakeholders?