Category Archives: DaSy Center

Deficit Narratives: How We Can Change Our Perspective

Deficit narratives imply that the children, not the schools or programs, need to change in order to improve educational outcomes and experiences. How can we turn those statements around to place the responsibility on schools and programs to ensure equitable outcomes for all children, regardless of their identity characteristics, geographic location, socioeconomic status, or any other label?

Part C Data Leadership Convening 2023

The Part C Data Leadership Convening is designed for Part C Data Managers and other state staff who play an important role in data leadership. This in-person event is intended to help Part C Data Managers assess personal and team level Data Leadership Competencies and strengthen those essential to achieving levels of program quality articulated in the DaSy System Framework. 

Family Data Leaders Advance States’ Efforts

Multiple family voices at the table are essential. Family members will reveal unseen successes, barriers, issues, or problems. They will suggest and recommend improvements. They will define and celebrate successes. With well-supported and compensated Family Data Leaders with flexible opportunities for input, states and local programs can better meet goals with and for children and families. Don’t miss out on family members’ voices and expertise.

Using Data Processes and Systems Thinking to Drive Impactful, Sustainable Systems Improvement Cohort

DaSy, ECTA, and the Waters Center For Systems Thinking are offering an opportunity for 3-5 states to participate in the Data and Systems Thinking cohort. Focusing on improving states’ ability to collect, report, analyze and use data to support state systems change efforts and will build on previous state systems change work (such as the State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP)).