- Overview
- State Landscape Protocol
- 618 Data Collection Protocols
- 616 SPP/APR Indicator Protocols
- Annual Determinations for Local EI Programs
- Data Collection Calendar
- Related Resources
These protocols cover information about each State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR) Indicator, as defined by Section 616 of IDEA. States submit the data to OSEP via the EMAPS system. Please note that all information prefilled in the white and light green sections of the protocols comes directly from the federal fiscal year (FFY) 2020-2025 SPP/APR Indicator Measurement Table.
Indicator 5: Child Find, Ages Birth to 1
Indicator 6: Child Find, Ages Birth to 3
Indicator 7: Timeliness of IFSP
Indicator 8: Early Childhood Transition
Indicator 9: Hearing Requests Resolved
Indicator 10: Mediation Agreements
Updated April 2023.