Target Setting Guide


This DaSy and ECTA guide provides general and indicator-specific guidance, considerations, and resources to assist state systems in working with stakeholders to set targets for the State Performance Plan (SPP)/Annual Performance Report (APR) indicators and the State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP) State-Identified Measurable Result (SIMR) for the FFY 2020-2025 submission to OSEP on February 1, 2022 and in subsequent years.


This guide is written for state Part C and 619 leadership teams, but it will also be informative for stakeholders involved in the target-setting process.


Target setting is the process states use, with broad stakeholder input, to determine measurable and rigorous benchmarks for results-based indicators. The process should ensure that the rationale and methods for setting targets are analytically sound and clearly explained for optimal stakeholder input and involvement. Targets are the expected levels of performance or progress for each indicator. Targets are defined as percentage values and are based on analysis of past performance and other state contexts.

Targets accomplish the following important functions:

  • Establish expectations for performance throughout the state
  • Assist in assessing where the state’s performance is strong, where performance is an issue, and where to focus improvement
  • Provide motivation for improving performance and celebrating success
  • Serve as guides for monitoring progress and determining if progress is on schedule and sustained over time


The target-setting information included in this guide is limited to the following indicators that require targets:

Indicator-specific information on target setting for each of these indicators is provided under Indicator Specific Guidance in this guide.

Compliance indicators (i.e., C1-Timely Services, C7-45 Day Timelines, C8-Part C Early Childhood Transition, B12-Early Childhood Transition) are not addressed in this document as the targets for these indicators are always 100%. More information about these compliance indicators can be found in the following resources:

This Target Setting Guide includes the following sections:

Published June 2021.