At least some chld-level data about children receiving Part B 619 services are in teh same data system or have been linked to child-level data from parat C: 27% Yes for Part C & Part B 619; 7% Yes for Part C, No for Part B 619; 9% No for Part C, Yes for Part B 619; 48% No for Part C & Part B 619; 9% Data not available for at least one program

Who is Linking Part C and Part B 619 Data? Look to the Maps!

In discussions with our state partners around data linking, a question we often hear at the DaSy Center is, “What are other states doing?” In order to provide information about what other states/territories are doing, the DaSy Center has devoted a section of the website to a series of maps which show data on ten features of Part C and Part B 619 state data systems. The data for our State of the State maps are based on information collected by the DaSy Center and the Infant Toddler Coordination Association (ITCA) from states in 2015. Individual state information is presented with permission from authorized state Part C and Part B 619 staff. They are used by state personnel and DaSy technical assistance providers to guide the work we do together to develop and enhance high quality data systems.

The Part C Child Data Linked to Part B 619 Data map tells the story about who is linking data. Staff at Part C and Part B 619 staff were asked independently to report about the status of linking data with the other program. The map shows:

  • States where both Part C and Part B 619 reported that they link data (27%),
  • States which reported that both Part C and Part B 619 do not link data (48%),
  • States that have conflicting reports of linking Part C (7%) or Part B 619 (9%) data, and
  • States with missing information (9%).

The reason for conflicting reports from Part C or Part B 619 are often around the definition of linking (which Part C and Part B 619 program may define differently) or how far along each program is with their linking data efforts. However, the fact that one program in each of these states reports that they are linking data provides hope that the state is already doing it or it is in process.

The data in this map tells the story that linking data between Part C and Part B 619 programs is underway, even if almost half of states report not currently linking data. The good news is that more than a quarter of states have found a way to link their data already, and another 43% of Part B 619 programs report planning to link data in the future (data not shown on map). The next State of the States survey is planned for the near future, so it will be interesting to see how these data change over time: Have more states linked Part C and Part B 619 data? Is there better agreement about who is linking? Are states not currently linking “in the process of linking” or at least “interested in linking” Part C and Part B 619 data? These and other questions will help to tell the story about data linking progress over time.

So check out our State of the States maps, and find out for yourself who is linking data – you may be surprised! DaSy Center can help support you in connecting with states that are linking or in the process of linking data, providing many “lessons learned” which will be helpful in your linking efforts.