DaSy, ECTA, and the Waters Center for Systems Thinking teamed with four states to improve their Part C/619 programs by increasing the knowledge and skills needed to improve data culture and become systems thinkers.
Tag Archives: Sustainability
Using Data Processes and Systems Thinking to Drive Impactful, Sustainable Systems Improvement Cohort
DaSy, ECTA, and the Waters Center For Systems Thinking are offering an opportunity for 3-5 states to participate in the Data and Systems Thinking cohort. Focusing on improving states’ ability to collect, report, analyze and use data to support state systems change efforts and will build on previous state systems change work (such as the State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP)).
Data System Disruptions: Preparation and Response Considerations Webinar
October 27, 2022. Events or circumstances that disrupt use of a state Part C or Part B 619 data system can negatively impact program operations, management, and accountability.
Data System Disruptions Brief: Preparation and Response Considerations for Part C and Part B 619 Leaders
October 2022. This resource is intended to help Part C and Part B 619 leaders understand, prepare for, and respond to various types of data system disruptions. Part C and Part B 619 programs rely on their data systems to support everyday operations. Many states have experienced an event or circumstance that has limited or restricted their data system(s) from being accessed or used as planned. Disruptions to a state’s data system may jeopardize access to accurate information required to meet a wide range of data use needs.
Data Leadership Competencies: A New Resource to Build Part C and Part B 619 Data Leadership
This presentation introduced DaSy’s newly developed data leadership competencies. These competencies describe what a state data leader or state team must know and be able to do in order to effectively lead the development of a state data infrastructure and culture.
Surviving and Thriving in the IDEA Part C and Part B 619 Data Manager Role
New to the Data Manager role? Been in it forever? Ex-IDEA Data Managers share what works to get your job done—and keep your sanity. This session was not about the technical aspects of collecting and processing data. It was about what it takes to be successful in your role.
Telepractice Going Forward: Developing State Guidance for Ongoing Use of the Service Delivery Method
Two states share their processes used to develop current guidance and communication plans, based on data, to address the needs of families, providers, and staff to effectively implement telepractice as an ongoing service delivery method and advance equity in the current stage of the pandemic and beyond.
Evaluating Implementation of Evidence-Based Practices: Tips for Improving Quality and Feasibility
February 13, 2019 Learn about best practices for evaluating practice change and fidelity, including characteristics of a high-quality data collection too. Hear from one state on how they have made […]
Collecting, Analyzing, and Sharing Qualitative Data Encore Webinar
This webinar includes best practices in collecting, analyzing and sharing qualitative data with an example from Louisiana’s SSIP work. This webinar also shares resources to support qualitative methods and an […]
Building a Culture of Data Use
This webinar explored DaSy’s new Data Culture Toolkit, following the five key steps to building a culture of data use in a state or local program: Formalize your data team […]