Multiple family voices at the table are essential. Family members will reveal unseen successes, barriers, issues, or problems. They will suggest and recommend improvements. They will define and celebrate successes. With well-supported and compensated Family Data Leaders with flexible opportunities for input, states and local programs can better meet goals with and for children and families. Don’t miss out on family members’ voices and expertise.
Improving programs and changing systems can be hard, DaSy Dynamic Impact is an easy-to-use approach that provides a consistent, successful, and sustainable process to support your team.
This 2015 document was developed to help technical assistance (TA) providers and state staff define and limit the scope of data analysis for program improvement efforts, including the State Systemic […]
If you work in Part C and 619 you know that, this year, every state must set targets for Part C and 619 performance through 2025. These targets must be submitted in the FFY 2020 SPP/APR due February 1, 2022. States should aim for achievable and rigorous targets. What are achievable and rigorous targets?
Our early childhood community, including state and local personnel, families, and the larger community, has an interest in supporting our young children with disabilities.
Having a robust stakeholder engagement plan is important. As states work to engage a broad range of stakeholders on an ongoing basis, virtual strategies and methods continue to be important – even as face-to-face gatherings start to increase after the pandemic.
This resource is an introductory guide with activities to engage stakeholders in understanding data analysis and using data. The activities use practical examples of data readily available in everyday life […]
A series of webinars organized by DaSy on collecting, analyzing, and using data through virtual engagement.
June 15, 2021 This was the fifth session of the DaSy Webinar Series: Engaging Stakeholders Virtually to Support Data Systems Work which focused on collecting, analyzing, and using data through […]
This DaSy toolkit provides an orientation to IDEA data and other data-related topics to help stakeholders meaningfully participate in conversations about programmatic issues and decisions.