This DaSy brief is an updated version of the 2015 document and presents key considerations in the form of questions that can be used to help clarify program needs when […]
This DaSy Part C Data System Functions resource contains a list of Part C data system functions designed to assist in developing and enhancing high-quality state data systems. The primary […]
A series of webinars organized by DaSy on collecting, analyzing, and using data through virtual engagement.
Looking for more information on the Center for IDEA Early Childhood Data Systems (DaSy), but don’t know where to start? Join us on June 21 at 4 pm ET for […]
This DaSy report provides an overview of process modeling and data modeling and explains the value of each in the development or major enhancement of data systems. Process modeling and […]
This DaSy toolkit provides resources to support decision-making for states that wish to develop or enhance an IDEA Part C data system. The toolkit details data system features such as delivered services, electronic signatures, parent portals, dashboards, and notification systems.
This DaSy brief follows Key Considerations for Initiating and Planning a New Data System or Major Data System Enhancement and provides Part C/619 staff with an introduction to business requirements, […]
This 2-page document provides a summary of that an Early Childhood Integrated Data System (ECIDS) is, whom it serves, its purpose, and its relation to Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems (SLDS). […]
Please join us for the What DaSy 2 Can Do for You webinar to learn about current and upcoming technical assistance opportunities for your state’s Part C and Part B 619 programs.
This webinar describes the IES Using Longitudinal Data to Support State Policymaking grant program (84.305S) which supports state education agencies’ (SEAs’) use of their longitudinal data systems to generate evidence for making policy decisions