August 25, 2020 This was the first session of the DaSy Webinar Series: Engaging Stakeholders Virtually to Support Data Systems Work which focused on collecting, analyzing, and using data through […]
Analysis and Examples of State Part C Guidance to Increase In-Person Services Webinar
This webinar will address key features in current publicly available state Part C guidance to increase in-person activities as incidence of COVID-19 begins to decline in some areas.
The purpose of this document is to provide a preliminary set of data considerations for Part C systems to understand the evolving impact of COVID-19 on services, programs and administrative […]
Disruptions caused by COVID-19 have impacted state IDEA Part C policies, procedures, and practices and continue to require innovative data collection responses and solutions.
Responding to COVID-19: Ongoing Considerations for Part C Data Webinar
A new report, Early Childhood Data: Responding to COVID-19 and Building for the Future, was released today by the Data Quality Campaign and Foresight Law + Policy.
A new suite of resources from the U.S. Department of Education includes considerations for school closures, provision of special education services, impacts on assessments/accountability, flexibility on meal provision, and more.