DaSy Relationship Building in a Remote Work Environment for Effective TA

Scenario # 1 – Element #1 (Professional & Personal Connection)


Share expertise strategically

Lead with generosity

Be consistent

Ask targeted questions

Be personal


A DaSy TA provider has been working with an individual state representative for a number of years, who recently requested training to prepare a presentation to gather stakeholder input on the upcoming APR data to be submitted at an upcoming local ICC board meeting. Due to the need to present remotely, the state representative must facilitate her presentation virtually. As a TA provider, you are working with your client to understand the importance of using a variety of approaches to enhance the understanding of the data at the meeting. You spend time demonstrating the power of meaningful infographics and provide multiple examples of visual data to the client. At your next meeting, the client reveals that she is not comfortable with technology and is planning to provide a high level summary of data listed in bullet points.


How will you leverage your professional and personal connection with the client to help her prepare a powerful data presentation that she feels comfortable sharing with the local governing board remotely?


Scenario #2- Element #2 (Active Listening)


Pay attention

Listen to hear

Provide feedback

Respond thoughtfully

Defer judgement


The State Part B – 619 Preschool Special Ed Program is preparing to provide training to LEA’s in order to improve the quality, and usefulness of the transition data (Indicator 12) reports for use at the local level. Several LEA’s have indicated they do not understand how the data can lead to program improvements at the local level. As a TA provider you are working with several of the districts that have data that indicates ongoing non -compliance, you are working to provide the training to meet all user needs.


What targeted questions can you ask the 619 Coordinator and/or Data Manager to understand the context of the LEA’s?

What novel or tried and true ideas can you propose to gather information on the issue from the LEA about their understanding of the transition data virtually?

Are there considerations for this training related to equity and access?


Scenario 3 – Element #3 (Clear Communication)


Be explicit and direct

Keep written communication brief

Develop a communication plan


A state team has received intensive TA from DaSy for the past year. This team consists of state employees, representatives from 5 programs, and members from a parent advocacy group.

The state team has prepared data for discussion however the data has not been shared with the program representatives and the members of the parent advocacy group. They are seeing the data for the first time at the meeting and the state team is asking for stakeholders to discuss and set targets during the meeting. The report will also include the rationale for the targets that were set. There is a deadline of two weeks before the report has to be submitted to the Commissioner.


What specific strategies will you use to clearly communicate team norms, standards, and/or and expectations?

What actions could you take to sustain the norms, standards and/or expectations you identify?


Scenario 4 – Element #4 (Consistent Engagement)


Highlight similarities

Name operating standards and High Performance Teaming Principles

Develop routines and norms

Build momentum


A DaSy TA provider is facilitating a COS Learning Community to support Part C and Part B 619 staff to collect, analyze, and use COS data. There are currently four states involved in this community. After learning how to use the platform, the participants begin networking and posting questions and comments in the discussion section. The DaSy TA provider notices that one participant keeps making negative and politically charged comments about why “certain students never make progress”.


How should the DaSy TA provider respond to the individual posting the negative comments?

What actions could the TA provider take in order to promote consistent engagement focused on the task across this learning community, after the negative comments are addressed?


Scenario 5 – Element #5 (Respect)


Consider diversity in advance

Be mindful, but flexible regarding time

Assume the best

Ensure equity


You are a DaSy TA provider working with a Part C coordinator who has consistently cancelled meetings over the past few months. You develop a shared folder system to save work, and upon checking the folder you notice that documents haven’t been posted. You are concerned that little progress has been made towards achieving outcomes.


What targeted questions can you ask the client to understand the situation in order to identify a solution that moves the work forward?


Scenario 6 – Across all Elements


Professional & Personal Connection

Active Listening

Clear Communication

Consistent Engagement



A new Part C coordinator is replacing a long-standing coordinator and has requested TA from DaSy. Your first meeting is scheduled to take place in three weeks. You start planning by reviewing historical data. Given the distance and travel restrictions, all TA will be provided remotely.


What steps will you take in preparation for the first meeting and what structures will you consider implementing to develop and sustain a strong relationship and build capacity over time?


Scenario 7 – Across all 5 Relationship Elements


Professional & Personal Connection

Active Listening

Clear Communication

Consistent Engagement



A new state team is being formed to build a new data system for the state IDEA Part C Program. A request for intensive TA has been received and you begin to brainstorm ideas to plan for the team’s initial meeting.


What steps will you take to configure a strong team that will work together over an extended period of time towards this goal?

How will you develop relationships with the members of this team in order to build capacity and support systems change?


Scenario 8 – Across all 5 Relationship Elements


Professional & Personal Connection

Active Listening

Clear Communication

Consistent Engagement



You have been providing TA to a state team for a few years, and they have successfully launched a new data system for the state IDEA Part C Program. As their intensive TA provider, you want to celebrate the team’s efforts and the fact that they met their goal.


What steps will you take to recognize and celebrate the success of the team?

How will you maintain a professional relationship and connection with this team?
