Category Archives: Uncategorized

Data Quality

Definition: A multi-dimensional measurement of the adequacy of a particular datum or data sets based on a number of dimensions including, but not limited to accuracy, completeness, consistency, and timeliness. […]

Data Linkage

Definition: The process of joining or connecting records in one data set/system with those in another data set/system. Records can be linked through a common identifier in both data sets […]

Data Element

Definition: An atomic (i.e., most basic) unit of data that has precise meaning or precise semantics that can be defined and measured. Source: Taken from Common Education Data Standards (CEDS) […]

Sample Community Post

This Community is … Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean urna ante, porta at nunc eu, porttitor porta sem. Donec maximus rutrum semper. Integer nec mattis ipsum. […]