This session highlighted an overview of the national data for preschool environments, a discussion of what the data reveal, limitations of the data collected, and trends over time.
Category Archives: Source – Conference Presentation
Enhancing Collaboration w/ State Directors to Achieve a High-Quality Inclusive Preschool Education
This session delved into the critical content and data that must be shared with directors to ensure equitable and inclusive opportunities for preschool children with disabilities.
Create Positive Change Through Data Culture and Systems Thinking
DaSy, ECTA, and the Waters Center for Systems Thinking teamed with four states to improve their Part C/619 programs by increasing the knowledge and skills needed to improve data culture and become systems thinkers.
Workshop: Analysis Paralysis? A Multi-Layered Approach to Data Use and Decision-Making
In this workshop from IDIO 2024, DaSy/ECTA staff guided participants through a multi-layered approach to analyzing data at a deeper level than normal.
Preparing for DMS: Steps for Improving State Systems
New to Child Outcomes Measurement?
In this IDIO 2024 presentation, DaSy/ECTA staff cover the basics for child outcomes measurement and reporting, including an overview of how they were developed, what the outcomes are, how the indicators are calculated, what approaches to measurement states use, what the national results look like, how to consider child outcomes data quality, and where to access additional resources.
2024 OSEP Combined Leadership and Project Directors’ Conference
August 6 – 8, 2024, at the Crystal Gateway Marriott Hotel in Arlington, VA. Data Managers Meetup Tues, August 6, from 5:45–6:45 p.m. ET in Salon C.
Babies, Toddlers, Families, Part C, Oh My!
NE-PACT. October 2023. This presentation covers Part C IDEA regulations, Part C Systems and Services, the comprehensive early childhood system, and how we can be sure it is equitable.
The What, Why and How: The Critical Need to have Families at the “Table”
NE-PACT. October 2023. Families are key stakeholders in data conversations. They provide a unique perspective that is critical for program improvement.
Walking the Walk: Using Child Outcomes Data for Improvement
DEC. Deccember 2023. This DEC conference presentation highlights the FFY2021 national child outcomes data as well as how one preschool special education program uses these data at the state and local levels.