DaSy Framework (2014)

You’re viewing the 2014 version of the Framework.
See the updated 2022 DaSy Framework.

2014 DaSy Framework [PDF]
Self-Assessment | Self-Assessment Comparison Tool

Overview of the Framework

The DaSy Data System Framework is the Data Systems Component of the larger ECTA System Framework for Part C & Section 619. The purpose of the DaSy framework is to assist Part C and Section 619 programs in developing and enhancing high-quality state data systems and in improving the quality of their IDEA data. The framework is intended to enhance the capacity of Part C and Section 619 state staff to

  • Understand the characteristics and capabilities of a good state data system, so they can
  • Lead or actively participate in state data system development efforts, including cross-agency work, so they can
  • Use their state data systems to comply with IDEA federal reporting requirements and answer important program and policy questions, which will
  • Enable states to build better systems of services and programs that will improve outcomes for young children with disabilities and families served under IDEA Part C and Section 619.

The DaSy Center has developed a self-assessment based on the framework. The self-assessment is intended to provide states a current snapshot to help them prioritize improvement efforts, generate a set of scores for states to measure progress over multiple points in time, and serve as a mechanism to encourage state participants to engage in rich conversation about their data systems. In addition, the DaSy Center will be compiling resources to support improvement activities in each of the subcomponents. The center will be using the framework and the associated resources to guide the intensive technical assistance to be provided to a small number of states over the next three years.

Six Key Subcomponents

DaSy Data System Framework flower image

The DaSy Framework for IDEA Data Systems is composed of six Subcomponents. Some Subcomponents include Sections to outline the key parts of the Subcomponent. Quality Indicators provide detail about the most important features of each Subcomponent or Section. Under each Quality Indicator are Elements of Quality outlining the types of evidence that would show a Quality Indicator is being addressed. For more information on the structure of the framework and to read more about the framework development, coordination, considerations, and associated technical assistance, please refer to the Introduction tab.

Download the DaSy Data System Framework [PDF] document or go directly to a Subcomponent by clicking on a Subcomponent name on the daisy graphic to the right or on the tabs along the top of this page. Each Subcomponent of the framework can be used separately and in any order.

How does this framework fit with other Early Childhood Frameworks?

The DaSy framework is an integrated piece of the larger ECTA System Framework for Part C & Section 619. The ECTA framework consists of six interrelated components: Governance, Finance, Personnel/Workforce, Data Systems, Accountability and Quality Improvement, and Quality Standards. Because DaSy was tasked with developing a framework for data systems, the two centers agreed that the DaSy’s data system framework would serve as the Data Systems component in the ECTA framework.

DaSy also coordinated with the technical assistance project working with states on developing an early childhood integrated data system. Recognizing that state staff could be using the data system framework to improve their Part C or Section 619 data system while using the ECIDS materials as part of their work on an early childhood integrated data system, DaSy committed to making the DaSy framework compatible with the Early Childhood Integrated Data Systems (ECIDS) Toolkit.

More information on how the DaSy framework fits into the ECTA System Framework, as well as how it coordinates with the Early Childhood Integrated Data Systems Toolkit, is available in the Introduction to the DaSy Framework.

What is the relationship between the IDC Part B Data System Framework and the DaSy Data System Framework?

The IDC Part B Data System Framework was developed after the DaSy Data System Framework and was built on the concepts and contents of the DaSy framework. The DaSy framework was designed to support the development of high quality data systems for Part C and 619 state programs. The IDC framework is a modification of the DaSy framework that was designed for state-level staff responsible for working with and responding to Part B requirements (including 619). Much of the contents of the two frameworks is identical.

Should staff focused on 619 use the DaSy framework or the IDC Part B framework?

Because the 619 data are part of the Part B data system, either framework could be used when focused on 619 data systems. The DaSy framework was designed to address issues unique to early childhood, and the quality elements and indicators in the DaSy framework are more aligned with data system issues that early childhood programs face. The IDC framework was designed to address the full scope of Part B data, and the quality elements and indicators in the IDC framework are more aligned with data system issues from a unified Part B perspective. State staff should engage their DaSy and IDC state liaisons to discuss the most appropriate framework for their specific context.

DaSy Framework Related Resources

For states working to develop or enhance their data systems, we offer helpful related resources that complement the DaSy Data System Framework, both broadly and in subcomponent-specific sets.

Our Data System Glossary is available to help you know exactly what we mean when we use a term in one of our resources and in the work we do with states. Glossary definitions are also linked throughout the DaSy Data System Framework pages. Just look for the bold, bright blue, underlined text.

Our Self-Assessment for ECTA and DaSy Frameworks is an Excel-based tool that provides a structure for state Part C and Section 619/Preschool programs to record the current status of their state system and set priorities for improvement. To track your progress over time, use our Framework Self-Assessment Comparison Tool. You can find both tools linked at the top of each page of our DaSy Data System Framework.

ECTA Center and DaSy have developed helpful “starter” scenarios that state teams can use to learn how the ECTA System Framework and DaSy Data System Framework can help navigate specific challenges. Our Data System Challenge offers a common scenario related to limited reporting capabilities.

To receive a bound, printed copy of the DaSy Data System Framework, or for assistance using the DaSy Framework, contact DaSy.